City Council Agenda March 12, 2012

City of Rochelle Council Chambers

420 N. 6th Street

Rochelle, IL 61068


• Pledge to the Flag

• Prayer




• Mayor

• Council Members

default Financials - January 2012

default Employee Introduction - Michelle Knight




a) default Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting - February 13, 2012

b) Approve Bills – default 02/03/12 - 02/09/12 , default 02/10/12 - 02/16/12 , default 02/17/12 - 02/23/12 , default 02/24/12 - 03/01/12

c) Approve Payroll – default 01/23/12 - 02/05/12 , default 02/06/12 - 02/19/02

d) default Resolution Regarding the Release of Executive Session Minutes

2) Electric Division Building Improvement Project – Contract 1

3) Permitted Facilities Agreement with BP Products – Installation of a Multi-Use Path

4) Agreement with Rochelle Disposal Services –Electronic Devices and Appliances

5) Rezoning and Preliminary Planned Unit Development Plan and Plat for the Resubdivision of Lot 4 in the Caron Ridge Subdivision

6) Ordinance Amending Telecommunications Tax Rate





Agenda Item #2 - Electric Division Building Improvement Project–Contract 1


default Recommendation from Willett Hofmann & Associates

default Bid Tabulation

Recommended Action:

Consider bids for the Electric Division – 2012 Building Improvements Project – Contract 1

History and Fact:

Several of the buildings in the Electric Division complex are in need of repair. The engineering firm of Willett Hofmann & Associates has evaluated the building exteriors and roofs and designed an improvement project and bid specifications based on their findings. The entire project includes the removal of damaged brick, installation of a new masonary wall, repair and/or replacement of existing masonry walls, roof modifications and the installation of new membrane roof systems. For budget purposes the project has been broken into two contracts (Contract 1 & 2). Contract 1 consists of the various masonary improvements and roof modifications while Contract 2 includes the installation of the new roof systems.


Subsequent to the required public notice, bids for Contract 1 were opened by the City Clerk on February 10, 2012 with two contractors submitting bids. Staff and our consultant, Willett Hofmann & Associates, have reviewed the bids and recommend the acceptance of the apparent low bidder, Bruns Construction, with a bid of $117,000. The 2011-12 Electric Fund Capital Outlay Budget includes $180,000 for the Contract 1 building improvements. Construction is expected to begin within 30 days following the award of the bid with completion no later than June 1, 2012. Bids for Contract 2 will be opened on March 9th with funding proposed in the 2012-13 Budget.


Approve the bid for the Electric Division 2012 Building Improvements Project Contract 1 from Bruns Construction for a total of $117,000 and reject all other bids.

Agenda Item #3 - Permitted Facility Agreement with BP Products – Installation of a Multi-Use Path


default Memo from City Engineer Sam Tesreau

default Permitted Facilities Agreement

Recommended Action:

Consider a Permitted Facilities Agreement between the City and BP Products North America

History and Fact:

The City of Rochelle received an award letter from the Economic Development Program (EDP) in 2011 for assistance with funding up to $2 million in roadway improvements to facilitate construction of the Nippon Sharyo facility. In April of 2011, the Mayor and Council approved the associated State/Local EDP agreement for roadway and infrastructure associated with the Ritchie Road and Ritchie Court improvements. The improvements covered via this agreement include the construction of an asphalt, multi-use pedestrian path along the north side of Ritchie Road, from Steward Road to Ritchie Court, on an easement dedicated to the City by Prologis. The multi-use path, as designed, will cross over an existing BP pipeline.


Plans for the path and required pipeline crossing were sent to BP in 2011 for review and approval. Subsequently, BP has provided a Permitted Facilities Agreement for approval by the City. This agreement allows for the construction of the shared use path across the pipeline at the City's expense and requires that the City be responsible for the payment for, or removal of, the multi-use path if required by BP to maintain the pipeline. Following approval of the agreement, construction will begin on the multi-use path with completion expected by June of 2012.


Authorize the City Manager to sign the Permitted Facilities Agreement between the City of Rochelle and BP Products of North America for a multi-use path crossing north of Ritchie Road

Agenda Item #4 - Agreement with Rochelle Disposal Services – Covered Electronic Devices and Appliances


default Memo from Water/Water Reclamation Superintendent Kathy Cooper

default Agreement - Covered Electronic Devices and Appliances

Recommended Action:

Consider an Agreement between the City and Rochelle Disposal Services

History and Fact:

As of January 1, 2012 residents are prohibited from disposing of "Covered Electronic Devices" (CED) such as computers, computer monitors, printers and televisions in the trash because, per Illinois law, they are now banned from landfills. These items are also banned from disposal by burning or incineration. As a result of the ban, various alternatives have been explored and researched in order to meet the needs of the community. On February 21, 2012 Kathy Cooper presented three options to the Public Works Committee. Following some discussion and public input, the Committee recommended initiating a pilot program through Rochelle Disposal Service which would include curbside collection of large CEDs.


Rochelle Disposal Service, Inc. (RDSI) has agreed to provide curbside collection of large CEDs in the same manner as the existing appliance program. Per the agreement, the City will issue stickers, at no cost, to residents within the corporate limits. In turn, RDSI will pickup CEDs one day per month, on a regular basis, and bill the City monthly at a rate of $5.14 per stickered CED. In addition, the City will obtain a permit/license from the IEPA for a collection site at the wastewater treatment plant. RDSI will provide the City with bins for the collection of CEDs and citizens will be encouraged to bring smaller items to the collection site. RDSI will also transport full bins to the Behr Recycling Facility in Rockford at a rate not to exceed $200 per trip. Behr will send any proceeds resulting from the CED collection to the City to help offset the cost of the program. Once the agreement is approved and everything is in place, the City will promote the electronic collection program and specifics to the community.


Authorize the City Manager to sign an agreement between the City of Rochelle and Rochelle Disposal Services for the pickup and disposal of covered electronic devices and appliances.

Agenda Item #5 -  Rezoning and Preliminary Planned Unit Development Plan and Plat for the Resubdivision of Lot 4 in the Caron Ridge Subdivision


default Memo from Community Development Director Chris Limas

default Ordinance Approving Rezoning and the PUD Plat and Plan

default Exhibit B

default Exhibit C

default Exhibit D                                       

Recommended Action:        

Consider an Ordinance Approving a Rezoning and Preliminary Planned Unit Development Plat and Plan

History and Fact:     

The property located east of the Caron Ridge Shopping Center is currently zoned, B-2, Highway Commercial.  Walter Wayne Development has petitioned the City to rezone the property to Planned Unit Development-Commercial (PUD-C) and approve the proposed PUD Plat and Plan. 


The proposed Preliminary Plat contains a six lot resubdivision of lot 4 of the original Caron Ridge Subdivision.  Four of the lots are buildable and the two northern lots, adjacent to IL Route 38, are reserved for stormwater management and detention facilities.   In addition to the four buildings, the proposed plan includes 242 shared parking spaces, sidewalk along IL Route 38, and two monument signs.  On March 5, 2012 the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the petition for rezoning and preliminary PUD Plat and Plan and voted to deny the petition by a vote of 2-3. After further review, staff finds the petition appropriate and recommends approval subject to modifications and final approval of all plans as required by staff, granting of a variance to allow a PUD smaller than 20 acres and allowance of all B-2 Highway Commercial uses. In addition, staff recommends allowing the proposed replacement monument sign, since it is smaller than the existing sign, and requiring the second monument sign, proposed near the east entrance of the development, to meet code requirements. 


Authorize an Ordinance Approving a Rezoning of Certain Property from B-2, Highway Commercial District to Planned Unit Development-Commercial District (PUD-C) and the Preliminary Planned Unit Development Plat and Plan for Resubdivision of Lot 4 in Caron Ridge Subdivision


Agenda Item #6 - Ordinance Amending Telecommunications Tax Rate


default Memo from City Clerk, Bruce McKinney

default Ordinance Amending Simplifed Municipal Telecommunications Tax Rate

Recommended Action:

Consider an Ordinance Amending the Telecommunications Tax Rate

History and Fact:

In 2002 the State of Illinois increased the Simplified Municipal Telecommunications tax rate to a maximum of 6% for municipalities with populations less than 500,000. The City's current telecommunications tax rate of 5% was approved on September 10, 2007.


During the recent budget workshop, City Clerk Bruce McKinney presented information about the possibility of increasing the telecommunications tax rate. Raising the tax rate by 1% would equate to increased revenues of approximately $5,500 per month based on projected telecommunication tax revenues for 2012-13 and could be used to offset additional expenses in the General Fund. In order to proceed with this increase, a certified copy of the ordinance must be filed with the Illinois Department of Revenue by March 20, 2012. The increased telecommunications tax would be assessed beginning July 1, 2012 and the City would begin receiving the increased proceeds in October.


Consider an Ordinance Amending the Simplified Municipal Telecommunications Tax Rate