City Council Agenda June 11, 2012

City of Rochelle Council Chambers

420 N. 6th Street

Rochelle, IL 61068


• Pledge to the Flag

• Prayer




• Mayor

• Council Members

• Rock River Center




a) default Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting - May 29, 2012

b) default Approve Bills - 05/18/12-05/24/12 , default 05/25/12-05/31/12

c) default Approve Payroll - 05/14/12-05/27/12

d) default Approve Ordinance Establishing Prevailing Wage Rates

e) default Accept and Place on File Annual Treasurers Report - Rochelle Police Pension

2) Ordinance to Allow and Regulate the Sale of Liquors in Outdoor Setting

3) Ordinance to Create One Tavern License and One Restaurant License

4) Ordinance Authorizing IEPA Loan – Well Southeast Quadrant

5) Antenna Special Use Permit – First National Bank of Rochelle

6) Ordinance Amending the 2009 Comprehensive Plan - Rail Transportation

7) 2012 Sealcoat Project





Agenda Item #2 - Ordinance to Allow and Regulate the Sale of Liquors in Outdoor Setting

default Ordinance to Allow and Regulate the Sale of Liquors in Outdoor Setting

Recommended Action:

Consider an Ordinance Amending Chapter 6 (Alcoholic Beverages)

History and Fact:

Several existing liquor license holders have expressed an interest in being allowed to serve alcohol in outdoor areas connected to their facilities. On April 5, 2012 this topic was discussed by the Administrative Committee of the City Council. The committee was generally supportive of the idea and recommended that a subcommittee meet to develop a set of standards for outdoor liquor sales. As requested, City Clerk Bruce McKinney and Liquor Commissioner Mayor Olson presented the following proposed requirements to the Administrative Committee on May 23, 2012: the area must be owned or leased by the licensee, access to the area must be gained through the indoor establishment, the area must be enclosed by a decorative fence and situated on a hard surface, and no bar may be maintained in the outdoor area.


The proposed ordinance was written in accordance with the recommendations presented to the committee. If approved, licensees will be required to submit a site plan for review to the Community Development Department. The hours of operation for the outdoor area will be in accordance with those permitted by the licensee's liquor license except that it will end one hour prior to the permitted ending hour. In addition, entertainment will be allowed in the outdoor area, subject to Federal, State and City regulations and smoking will be prohibited.


Approve an Ordinance Amending Chapter 6 (Alcoholic Beverages) to Allow and Regulate the Sale of Liquors in Outdoor Setting

Agenda Item #3 - Ordinance to Create One Tavern License and One Restaurant License and to Repeal Size Restrictions from Definitions of Restaurant and Restaurant/Recreation


default Ordinance to Create One Tavern License and One Restaurant License

Recommended Action:

Consider an Ordinance Amending Chapter 6 (Alcoholic Beverages)

History and Fact:

The City has received a request for a Tavern liquor license from representatives of the Cherry Street Pub of Rochelle at 406 Cherry Avenue. In addition, Sukura Nippon, Inc has submitted a request for a restaurant liquor license for the Yoshino Japanese Restaurant at 1001 N. 7th Street.


The Liquor Commissioner, Mayor Chet Olson, has reviewed the requests and has no objection to the creation of one additional tavern license and one additional restaurant license. The City of Rochelle Municipal Code currently allows for six tavern licenses and one restaurant license; considering the addition of these licenses, the total number would be seven and two respectively. In addition, the proposed ordinance includes the repeal of size restrictions from the definitions of restaurant and restaurant/recreation since none of the other definitions include square footage requirements.


Approve an Ordinance to Create One Tavern License and One Restaurant License and to Repeal Size Restrictions from Definitions of Restaurant and Restaurant/Recreation

Agenda Item #4 - Ordinance Authorizing IEPA Loan – Well Southeast Quadrant


default Memo from Water/Water Reclamation Superintendent Kathy Cooper

default Ordinance Authorizing Loan Agreement between the City and the IEPA

Recommended Action:

Consider an Ordinance Authorizing Loan Agreement between the City of Rochelle and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency

History and Fact:

The Master Plan for the City of Rochelle water system includes the construction of a new well in the southeast quadrant of the City and the completion of a water main loop from Flagg/Caron Road to the existing terminus on Dement Road. The continued industrial growth in the southeast quadrant has made the construction of this well a priority in order to provide sufficient fire flow protection and an adequate reserve supply for customers.

Discussion: The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency has verified that there are loan funds available for qualifying water system improvements, through the Public Water Supply Loan Program, at a rate of 2.5%. A preliminary project plan was submitted to the IEPA in January as the first step in obtaining a loan for the new well and related improvements. As a result, the City was encouraged to submit a project plan and proceed with the loan application. The revised project plan, which includes the construction of a new well and well house, connecting the well to the main, looping the system and replacing well house #4, is currently under review by the IEPA. The proposed ordinance authorizes the City to borrow up to $4,300,000 from the Water Supply Loan Program to finance the majority of the project plan. The ordinance was prepared by the project engineering consultant, Fehr Graham & Associates working with staff of the IEPA. Section 5 of the proposed ordinance states that "repayment of the loan...pursuant to this Ordinance is to be solely from the revenue derived from the revenues of the System" and therefore does not constitute a general obligation of the City. Once the IEPA approves the project plan, the City can choose which components to construct and phase them in over a four year period.


Approve an Ordinance Authorizing Loan Agreement between the City of Rochelle and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. Once approved, RMU will publish the approved ordinance, within 10 days, giving electors the right to file a petition opposing the provisions of the ordinance.

Agenda Item #5 - Antenna Special Use Permit - First National Bank of Rochelle

default Memo from Community Development Director Chris Limas

default Ordinance Approving a Conditional (Special Use) Permit

History and Fact:

The First National Bank of Rochelle has petitioned the City to allow the installation of a 65-67 foot antenna (measured from the ground) at their facility located at 340 May Mart Drive. The antenna would be installed on the Bank's roof, behind a chimney area, and facilitate communication with their branch in Ashton, IL. Per City code, the maximum allowable height of an antenna is 15 feet from the roof.


On June 4, 2012 the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing on the petition for a special use permit to allow the installation of the antenna. Following some discussion the commission voted 6-0 to recommend approval of the request.


Authorize an Ordinance Approving a Conditional (Special Use) Permit to Allow the Construction of an Antenna for Property at First National Bank of Rochelle (340 May Mart Drive).

Agenda Item #6 - Ordinance Amending the 2009 Comprehensive Plan – Rail Transportation


default Memo from Community Development Director Chris Limas

default Ordinance Amending the 2009 Comprehensive Plan

Recommended Action:

Consider an Ordinance Amending the 2009 Comprehensive Plan

History and Fact:

The most recent Comprehensive Plan Update was adopted by the Mayor and City Council in 2009. While the plan includes some brief references to the City Industrial Rail, staff feels that a more detailed description and map of future expansion plans is necessary. Since its inception, the City Industrial Rail (CIR) has attracted several rail served industries. Most recently, Nippon Sharyo and Coated Sand Solutions chose to locate facilities in Rochelle, prompting a significant expansion of the CIR. In addition, the Railroad Advisory Board, established in 2011, has developed a long-range, strategic plan for the CIR.


Due to the recent expansion of the CIR and development of a long-range, strategic plan, staff has proposed adding a "City of Rochelle Railroad" section and City of Rochelle Railroad Expansion Map to the Comprehensive Plan. On June 4, 2012 the Planning and Zoning Commission discussed the proposed amendment and voted 8-0 to recommend approval of the amendment.


Approve an Ordinance Amending the 2009 Comprehensive Plan to Include Rail Transportation

Agenda Item #7 - 2012 Sealcoat Project


default Memo from City Engineer Sam Tesreau

default Map of Sealcoat Locations

default Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways

Recommended Action:

Consider the 2012 Sealcoat Bids

History and Fact:

A 10 year capital plan was developed several years ago to address maintenance requirements of existing infrastructure. As a result of that plan, numerous existing roadways have been identified for maintenance this year including North 2nd, 3rd and 8th Streets, Linder Lane, Drake Avenue, Kelley Drive, Northlake Court and sections of Calvin Road, 20th Street, and several avenues throughout the community. In addition, numerous alleys west of Illinois Route 251 have also been identified for maintenance if time allows. The application of a sealcoat surface treatment has been found to be a cost effective way to maintain and preserve the life of the roadway surfaces and several streets have been treated over the past few years.


Subsequent to the required public notice, three bids were opened by the City Clerk on April 12, 2012. Following the bid opening, protests were filed with the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) against the lowest bidder and the 2nd lowest bidder. Those protests/suspensions have not been resolved with IDOT and therefore the City is unable to award the bid to those contractors. As a result, City Engineer, Sam Tesreau recommends consideration of the remaining bidder, Road Oil Inc., with a bid of $232,796.90 so that the annual maintenance program can proceed. The proposed 2012-13 Capital Improvements Fund budget includes $290,000 for sealcoat resurfacing of miscellaneous streets which will be funded through a transfer of Motor Fuel Tax funds.


Approve a Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways

Accept the bid from Road Oil Inc. in the amount of $232,796.90