• Pledge to the Flag
• Prayer
• Mayor
• Council Members
• default Financials - December 2011
• Rochelle Area Chamber of Commerce & Business Development
a) default Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting - January 9, 2012
b) Approve Bills default 12/23/11 - 01/05/12 , default 01/06/12 - 01/12/12
c) Approve Payroll default 12/26/11 - 01/08/12
d) default Accept and Place on File Annual Fire Department Report
e) default Accept and Place on File Annual Police Department Report
f) default Ordinance Amending Municipal Code to delete One Tavern Liquor License
2) Third Amendment to Annexation Agreement Creekside Subdivision Unit 1f/k/a Kings Crossing Subdivision (Public Hearing & Action)
3) Preliminary and Final Planned Unit Development Plat and Plan for Creekside Unit 1 Subdivision
4) Airport Land Acquisition Purchase Agreement
Agenda Item #2 - Third Amendment to Annexation Agreement Creekside Subdivision Unit 1 f/k/a Kings Crossing Subdivision (Public Hearing and Action)
default default Third Amendment to Annexation Agreement
default Memo from Chris Limas, Community Development Director
default Ordinance Approving Third Amendment to Annexation Agreement
Recommended Action:
Consider Approving Third Amendment to Annexation Agreement
History and Fact:
The Mayor and City Council approved the Kings Crossing Annexation Agreement with Wyndham Foxford, LLC on April 10, 2006 for a 492.9 acre development located north of Flagg Road. Two amendments to the annexation agreement were subsequently approved in 2009 to facilitate the construction of the first phase of Kings Crossing. A third amendment to the annexation agreement is being proposed by Creekside Land Holdings LLC, successor to the Kings Crossing Annexation Agreement, in order to facilitate a residential subdivision on 19.4 acres of land north of Flagg Road and west of 20th Street.
Spencer and Tim Hayden, representing Creekside Land Holdings LLC, have had multiple meetings with City staff over the past several months to discuss modifications to the existing annexation agreement. The proposed amendment includes provisions which the developers believe are necessary to make the residential subdivision viable at this time. These provisions increase the City's obligation and are beyond the incentives that have been provided in prior agreements. The provisions, which deviate from past policy and practice, are detailed in the attached memo and will be discussed at the City Council meeting. As part of the strategic planning process last fall, the Mayor and Council identified residential development as a priority and established a goal of twenty-five new residential housing units by December 31, 2013. In order to spur residential development in the current economic climate, it may be necessary for the City to consider additional incentives.
Conduct the Public Hearing
Consider Approving the Third Amendment to Annexation Agreement for
Creekside Subdivision Unit 1 f/k/a Kings Crossing Subdivision
Agenda Item #3 - Ordinance Approving the Preliminary and Final Planned Unit Development Plat and Plan for Creekside Unit 1 Subdivision
default Memo from Chris Limas, Community Development Director
default Ordinance Approving the Preliminary and Final Planned Unit Development Plat and Plan
default Exhibit B - Preliminary PUD Plat and Plan
default Exhibit C -- Final Plat
Recommended Action:
Consider an Ordinance Approving the Preliminary and Final Planned Unit Development Plat and Plan for Creekside Unit 1 Subdivision
History and Fact:
Creekside Land Holdings LLC has submitted a petition to amend the Preliminary Plat and Plan of the Kings Crossing Planned Unit Development (PUD) and for approval of the Final PUD Plan and Plat for Creekside Unit 1 Subdivision. If approved this 19.4 acre subdivision will be located north of Flagg Road and west of 20th Street.
The Preliminary and Final PUD Plat and Plan for Creekside Unit 1 includes a twenty-three lot subdivision with twenty-two lots designated for single family residential and one 5.9 acre lot reserved for a potential assisted living facility. The proposed subdivision will have access off of 20th Street and staff is recommending the construction of a temporary turn around at the end of Creekside Drive until lot 23, the 5.9 acre lot, is developed. The plan includes the construction of Creekside Drive at a width of 31 feet back to back on a 60 foot right-of-way with 4 foot sidewalks. In addition, parkway trees will be planted in the lots on easements instead of in the parkway and stormwater management will be provided by reconfiguring the existing detention pond along 20th Street and adding two new detention ponds (west of San Gabriel and north of the High School property). On December 5, 2011 the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the petition for the amendment of the Kings Crossing PUD and approval of the Final PUD Plan and Plat for Creekside Unit 1 and voted to recommend approval, subject to the following: staff approval of final engineering, modification of the final plat as required by staff, staff approval of a stormwater management plan, posting of required surety, and the addition of a temporary turn around at the end of Creekside Drive.
Authorize an Ordinance Approving the Preliminary and Final Planned Unit Development Plat and Plan for Creekside Unit 1 Subdivision
Agenda Item #4 - Airport Land Acquisition Purchase Agreement
default Memo from Don Elliott, Airport Superintendent
default Justification Report from Illinois Department of Transportation
default Transportation Improvement Program Report Airports FFY 2013-2017
default Map of Proposed Airfield Improvements
default Purchase Agreement between the City and Seven LLC -- Tigen
default Ordinance Authorizing the Execution of the Purchase Agreement
Recommended Action:
Consider Airport Land Acquisition Purchase Agreement
History and Fact:
In August of 2008 the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) Division of Aeronautics approved plans to extend the current runway at the Rochelle Municipal Airport from 4,226 feet to Category B criteria of 5,000x75 feet. Subsequently, the Mayor and Council approved an agreement with Hanson Professional Services for assistance in acquiring the additional property necessary for the expansion.
For the past three years Hanson Professional Services has worked diligently with the sellers' representatives, City staff and IDOT to reach an agreement on the acquisition of the required property west of runway 7. The proposed agreement includes the purchase of three parcels totaling 60.184 acres of land for a total price of $541,985.90. In addition it allows for the protection of existing farmland drainage, access at Gurler Road, an avigation easement and reimbursement of associated fees not to exceed $40,000. IDOT's current Transportation Improvement Program for Rochelle Municipal Airport includes an estimated project cost of $650,000 for the land acquisition. Eligible expenses included in this project are land purchase, attorney fees, airport consultant fees, and engineering. The City of Rochelle will be required to upfront the land purchase and associated expenses, which were budgeted in the Airport Fund, and will seek 95% reimbursement from Federal Entitlement Funds and 2.5% reimbursement from the State of Illinois once the property acquisition is complete. Execution of this agreement will allow IDOT to begin programming funds to facilitate construction in 2013.
Approve an Ordinance which Authorizes the City Manager to Sign an Agreement for Purchase and Sale between the City of Rochelle and Seven LLC-Tigan for the Acquisition of Three Parcels of Property Totaling 60.184 acres for the Extension of the Runway at the Rochelle Municipal Airport.