City Council Agenda February 13, 2012

City of Rochelle Council Chambers

420 N. 6th Street

Rochelle, IL 61068


• Pledge to the Flag

• Prayer




• Mayor

• Council Members




a) default Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting - January 23, 2012

b) default Accept and Place on File Minutes of Railroad Advisory Board Meeting - November 17, 2011

c) Approve Bills default 01/13/12-01/19/12 , default 01/20/12-01/26/12 , default 01/27/12-02/02/12

d) Approve Payroll default 01/09/12-01/22/12

e) default Approve a Resolution Establishing the Official Zoning Map for 2011

f) default Approve RTHS Ed Foundation's Request to Hold 30 Men Who Cook Event at Rochelle Airport -9-8-12

2) Third Amendment to Annexation Agreement Creekside Subdivision Unit 1f/k/a Kings Crossing Subdivision (Public Hearing & Action)

3)  Preliminary and Final Planned Unit Development Plat and Plan for Creekside Unit 1 Subdivision

4)  Agreement between the City and Rochelle Fire Fighters Association 2011-2014

5) Economic Development Administration Grant Funds – City Rail, Water and Wastewater Infrastructure in the Southeast Industrial Region

6) Engineering Agreements with Fehr Graham and Willett Hofmann – Well #12







Agenda Item #2 - Third Amendment to Annexation Agreement Creekside Subdivision Unit 1 f/k/a Kings Crossing Subdivision (Public Hearing and Action)


default default Third Amendment to Annexation Agreement

default Exhibit A

default Exhibit B

default Exhibit C

default Memo from Community Development Director Chris Limas

default Ordinance Approving Third Amendment to Annexation Agreement

Recommended Action:

Consider Approving Third Amendment to Annexation Agreement

History and Fact:

Creekside Land Holdings LLC, successor to the Kings Crossing Annexation Agreement, has proposed a third amendment to the annexation agreement in order to facilitate a residential subdivision on 19.4 acres of land north of Flagg Road and west of 20th Street. A Public Hearing related to the amendment was initiated on January 23, 2012 and continued at the developer's request in order to finalize some provisions involving the schools.


Spencer and Tim Hayden, representing Creekside Land Holdings LLC, have had multiple meetings with City staff over the past several months to discuss modifications to the existing annexation agreement. The proposed amendment includes provisions which the developers believe are necessary to make the residential subdivision viable at this time. These provisions increase the City's obligation and are beyond the incentives that have been provided in prior agreements. The provisions, which deviate from past policy and practice, are detailed in the attached memo and will be discussed at the City Council meeting. As part of the strategic planning process last fall, the Mayor and Council identified residential development as a priority and established a goal of twenty-five new residential housing units by December 31, 2013. In order to spur residential development in the current economic climate, it may be necessary for the City Council to consider additional incentives.


Continue the Public Hearing

Consider Approving the Third Amendment to Annexation Agreement for

Creekside Subdivision Unit 1 f/k/a Kings Crossing Subdivision


Agenda Item #3 - Ordinance Approving the Preliminary and Final Planned Unit Development Plat and Plan for Creekside Unit 1 Subdivision


default Memo from Chris Limas Community Development Director

default Ordinance Approving the Preliminary and Final Planned Unit Development Plat and Plan

default Exhibit B - Preliminary PUD Plat and Plan

default Exhibit C - Final Plat

Recommended Action:

Consider an Ordinance Approving the Preliminary and Final Planned Unit Development Plat and Plan for Creekside Unit 1 Subdivision

History and Fact:

Creekside Land Holdings LLC has submitted a petition to amend the Preliminary Plat and Plan of the Kings Crossing Planned Unit Development (PUD) and for approval of the Final PUD Plan and Plat for Creekside Unit 1 Subdivision. If approved this 19.4 acre subdivision will be located north of Flagg Road and west of 20th Street.


The Preliminary and Final PUD Plat and Plan for Creekside Unit 1 includes a twenty-three lot subdivision with twenty-two lots designated for single family residential and one 5.9 acre lot reserved for a potential assisted living facility. The proposed subdivision will have access off of 20th Street and staff is recommending the construction of a temporary turn around at the end of Creekside Drive until lot 23, the 5.9 acre lot, is developed. The plan includes the construction of Creekside Drive at a width of 31 feet back to back on a 60 foot right-of-way with 4 foot sidewalks. In addition, parkway trees will be planted in the lots on easements instead of in the parkway and stormwater management will be provided by reconfiguring the existing detention pond along 20th Street and adding two new detention ponds (west of San Gabriel and north of the High School property). On December 5, 2011 the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the petition for the amendment of the Kings Crossing PUD and approval of the Final PUD Plan and Plat for Creekside Unit 1 and voted to recommend approval, subject to the following: staff approval of final engineering, modification of the final plat as required by staff, staff approval of a stormwater management plan, posting of required surety, and the addition of a temporary turn around at the end of Creekside Drive.


Authorize an Ordinance Approving the Preliminary and Final Planned Unit Development Plat and Plan for Creekside Unit 1 Subdivision


Agenda Item #4 - Agreement between the City and Rochelle Fire Fighters Association 2011-2014


default Summary of Tentative Agreement

default Redlined Copy of the Tentative Agreement

Recommended Action:

Consider Ratification of Agreement between the City of Rochelle and Rochelle Fire Fighters Association

History and Fact:

The current agreement with the Rochelle Fire Fighters Association was due to expire on April 30, 2011. It was extended subject to negotiations and ratification of a new agreement. A tentative agreement, retroactive to May 1, 2011, has been reached for a new three year contract which will expire on April 30, 2014. The tentative agreement was ratified by members of the bargaining group on January 27, 2012.


The tentative agreement contains many of the same provisions as the previous agreement. In addition, it incorporates language changes and wage and benefit modifications negotiated during the past several months. Some of the more significant changes include:

Group Insurance:

Effective 1-1-12 employees pay 5% of the premium for employee only coverage and 13% of the premium for family coverage.

Effective 1-1-13 employees pay 10% of the premium for employee only coverage and 14% of the premium for family coverage.

Effective 1-1-14 employees pay 15% of the premium for employee only coverage and 15% of the premium for family coverage.

Wage Schedule:

Effective 5-1-11, across the board increase of 2.25%.

Effective 5-1-12, across the board increase of 2.75%.

Effective 5-1-13, across the board increase of 3%


Approve Ratification of an Agreement between the City of Rochelle and the Rochelle Fire Fighters Association, Local # 3445


Agenda Item #5 - Economic Development Administration Grant Funds – City Rail, Water and Wastewater Infrastructure in the Southeast Industrial Region

default Memo from Economic Development Director Jason Anderson

default Aerial of Defined Benefit Area

default Resolution Related to the Use of Economic Development Administration Grant Funds

default Site Certification

Recommended Action:

Consider Resolution and Site Certification Related to the Use of Economic Development Administration Grant Funds

History and Fact:

Last year the City of Rochelle submitted an application to the Economic Development Administration (EDA) for funding assistance to increase the capacity of the sanitary sewer system in the southeast industrial region and construct rail to serve the Coated Sand Solutions facilities. The total cost of the project included in the application was $6,860,000, of which the EDA has given preliminary approval for funding of forty percent or $2,700,000.


The EDA has now requested that the City provide assurance that the grant funds will be used to construct the rail improvements as defined and that the funds will not be used to increase the property values outside of the benefit area. The proposed resolution meets that requirement and ensures that the property to the east will not benefit from the rail construction for a period of five years following the project completion. The Farm Manager of the property has been informed of this resolution and has no issues with the limits it contains.

 In addition, the EDA is requiring the completion of a Site Certificate related to ownership of the project site and associated rights-of-way, easements and permits.  Attorney Cooper and Noah Carmichael from Fehr-Graham and Associates have reviewed the certificate and will be in attendance to respond to any questions the Mayor and City Council may have. 


Approve a Resolution Related to the Use of Economic Development Administration Grant Funds – City Rail

Authorize the City Manager, City Attorney and Engineering Representative to Sign the Economic Development Administration Site Certificate on Behalf of the City

Agenda Item # 6 - Engineering Agreements with Fehr Graham and Willett Hoffman – Well #12


default Memo from Water/Water Reclamation Superintendent Kathy Cooper

default Water System Master Plan

default Engineering Agreement - Fehr Graham

default Engineering Agreement - Willett Hofmann

Recommended Action:

Consider Engineering Agreements with Fehr Graham and Willett Hofmann related to the construction of Well #12

History and Fact:

The Master Plan for the City of Rochelle water system includes, as a priority, the construction of a new well in the southeast quadrant of the City and the completion of a water main loop from Flagg/Caron Road to the existing terminus on Dement Road. The continued industrial growth in the southeast quadrant supports the need for this well in order to provide sufficient fire flow protection and an adequate reserve supply for customers. In addition, the City's largest water user is currently served by a dead end water line in this area, which is not a recommended practice. The looping of the water main system from Flagg/Caron Road to Dement Road will ensure a redundant supply and adequate flow and pressure to the facilities located in the Rochelle Business and Technology Park.


The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) administers the State Revolving Fund (SRF) which provides a source of low interest loans to communities for water and sewer projects. The City of Rochelle has used this program in the past to assist with funding the treatment plant, the Northwest Interceptor and the Askvig sewer system. The Public Water Supply Loan Program (PWSLP), a division of the SRF program which funds drinking water projects, is currently offering "principal forgiveness" of 25% on the original loan amount to communities meeting specific criteria for projects under construction by October 1, 2012. In order to qualify for the loan, and meet the construction deadline, several items must be submitted to the IEPA in a very short timeframe. The engineering firms of Fehr Graham and Willett Hoffmann plan to work together to meet these deadlines and have submitted proposals for various components of the project at a cost of $324,950 and $630,000 respectively. Once the IEPA approves a project plan, components of the plan can be constructed over a five year period. The repayment of the Water Reclamation Plant bonds will be complete in May of 2014 and staff believes that the water and sewer rates can be structured in such a way that customers will not see a significant increase in their monthly bills.


Approve an agreement with Fehr Graham and Associates for services related to the construction of Well #12 and associated infrastructure.

Approve an agreement with Willett Hofmann and Associates for services related to the construction of Well #12 and associated infrastructure.