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City Council Agenda August 27, 2012

City of Rochelle Council Chambers

420 N. 6th Street

Rochelle, IL 61068


• Pledge to the Flag

• Prayer




• Mayor

• Council Members

default Financial Statements July 2012




a) default Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting - August 13, 2012

b) Approve Bills – default 07/27/12-08/02/12 , default 08/03/12--08/09/12 , default 08/10/12-08/16/12

c) Approve Payroll – default 07/23/12-08/05/12

2) Treatment Plant Roof Replacement Project

3) Ordinance Amending Chapter 94 (Traffic and Vehicles)to Provide for Permitting of Overweight Trucks and to Establish Permit Fees

4) Agreements between the City of Rochelle, Illinois Lincoln Highway Coalition and Transworld Plastic Films – Mural Project

5) Simplified Municipal Telecommunications Tax Rate

6) Supplemental Resolution for Maintenance of Street and Highways – 2010/11 Seal Coat





Agenda Item #2 - Treatment Plant Roof Replacement Project


default Memo from Water/Water Reclamation Superintendent Kathy Cooper

default Report from Willett Hofmann & Associates - Building Wall Joints

default Photographs of Building Wall Joints

default Award Recommendation from Willett Hofmann & Associates

default Bid Tabulation

Recommended Action:

Consider bids for the 2012 Treatment Plant Roof Replacement Project

History and Fact:

In 1992 the City installed a roofing system on all seven of the buildings at the Treatment Plant campus with a twenty year life expectancy. In June of 2011, a leak in the Blower Building roof resulted in damage to some equipment. As a result, the City hired the engineering firm of Willett-Hofmann to inspect the roofs and provide a recommendation for repair or replacement. The subsequent report included a recommendation to replace all of the roofs. The Mayor and Council approved a project in August of 2011 to replace the roofs on the Blower, Chlorine and Laboratory/Office Buildings.


Earlier this year at the request of the City, Willett Hofmann also inspected the condition of the pre-cast concrete wall panel joints on all of the buildings. Their conclusion is that the existing joint sealant material has deteriorated to the point of failure and should be removed and replaced. The base bid included in the 2012 Treatment Plant Roof Replacement Project is to replace the roofs on the Preliminary Treatment and Anaerobic Lagoon Pumping Buildings. In addition, the alternate bid includes the replacement of the caulking on the seven precast concrete buildings. Subsequent to the required public notice, the City opened bids on August 10, 2012 with four contractors submitting bids. Staff and our consultant, Alan Hulstedt of Willett-Hofmann, have reviewed the bids and determined that Sterling Commercial Roofing, Inc. is the low bidder for both the base bid and the base bid including the alternate. The 2012-13 Capital Outlay Budget for Water/Water Reclamation includes $35,000 for the roofing project. In addition, Kathy Cooper recommends proceeding with the alternate bid to prevent further damage to the buildings with funds available in the IEPA Replacement Fund.


Accept the bid for the 2012 Treatment Plant Roof Replacement Project from Sterling Commercial Roofing, Inc., including the alternate bid, for a total of $50,340 and reject all other bids.

Agenda Item #3 - Ordinance Amending Chapter 94 (Traffic and Vehicles) to Provide for Permitting of Overweight Trucks and to Establish Permit Fees


default Overweight Load Fee Report from Willett Hofmann & Associates

default Ordinance Amending Chapter 94

Recommended Action:

Consider an Ordinance Amending Chapter 94

History and Fact:

A number of local industries, grain elevators and the intermodal facility consider overweight transports to be important for their businesses' continued success. However, the Rochelle Municipal Code currently prohibits trucks weighing more than 80,000 pounds from using city streets, including designated truck routes. With the City's May 1st acceptance from Ogle County of a portion of Steward Road, staff learned that the overweight trucks using Steward Rd. (primarily between the Illinois River Energy facility and the Global Crossing III intermodal facility) would be illegal on Steward Rd. and have always been illegal on other city truck routes. To allow time for staff and the trucking community to discuss changes to Code that would allow the overweight transports, the City issued a moratorium beginning on May 1 on the enforcement of the Code's weight restrictions under certain conditions.


Since last Spring, city staff has solicited advice from truckers and other stakeholders on proposed changes to City Code. At the truckers' suggestion, the City also commissioned a study by Willett-Hofman Engineers to determine the cost impact of overweight transports on Steward Road and Intermodal Drive and which could provide guidance on setting an appropriate fee for overweight permits.

The truckers provided valuable information regarding the costs associated with trucking, the volume and nature of overweight trucks using Steward Road, Intermodal Drive and other city truck routes and the need for a solution that is not harmful to their businesses. City staff suggested that the optimum ordinance would facilitate a balance between the needs of the trucking industry while creating a source of new funds to support future road maintenance projects. Since that time, city staff and representatives of local industries and trucking companies have met on a number of occasions in a cooperative effort to work out a solution. City staff has incorporated many of the truckers' suggestions into the proposed ordinance. Unfortunately, the truckers and staff could not reach a full agreement over the proposed ordinance, particularly the permit fee amounts.

The Willett-Hofman report determined that each overweight trip involving a shipping container reduces the life of pavement at a cost to the City of approximately $5.08. The draft ordinance provides for the City issuing daily overweight permits at $10.00 per day – the same that Ogle County currently charges. Since most truckers make multiple trips per day, the proposed fee will only cover the damages for the first two trips and the City will need to use other sources of funding to cover the cost of damages not covered by the fee and to administer the permit program (such as motor fuel tax or surplus railroad fund revenues).

In addition to the daily permit, the draft ordinance also provides the option for truckers to get permits for periods of one month, three months or annually at effective daily fees of less than $10.00. The trucking industry supports the continuation of the $10 daily fee, but desires the fees be significantly reduced for the other periods. For example, the draft ordinance sets the annual fee at $1,300, which equates to a daily fee of $5.00. The truckers are seeking an annual fee of $250, which equates to a fee of about 96 cents per day. Since most truckers are making multiple trips per day and each trip creates roadway damage at $5.08, the truckers' suggested fee would only cover a small fraction of the cost of the street damages they are causing.

Finally, it is important to note that the proposed ordinance will continue the moratorium until the City accepts the remaining section of Steward Road next May 1st. Accordingly, the truckers driving this route will not incur a higher cost by the adoption of this ordinance and could, if they decide to purchase longer-term permits, pay less under this ordinance.


Approve an Ordinance Amending Chapter 94 (Traffic and Vehicles) to Provide for Permitting of Overweight Trucks and to Establish Permit Fees

Agenda Item #4 - Agreements between the City of Rochelle, Illinois Lincoln Highway Coalition and Transworld Plastic Films – Mural Project


default Memo from Director of Rochelle Tourism & Visitors Association Ross Freier

default Illinois Lincoln Highway Coalition Interpretive Mural Project (City /Illinois Lincoln Highway Coalition)

default Public Art Agreement (City/Transworld Plastic Films)

Recommended Action:

Consider Approval of Agreements between the City and Illinois Lincoln Highway Coalition and the City and Transworld Plastic Films.

History and Fact:

In an effort to further enhance tourism across the state, the Illinois Lincoln Highway Coalition (ILHC) once again has grant dollars available to create Lincoln Highway Interpretive Murals in select cities. Approximately five years ago, this same grant program funded the creation and placement of the Emily Post mural on the north wall of Hub City Furniture at 429 Lincoln Highway.


The Rochelle Tourism & Visitor's Association and the Illinois Lincoln Highway Coalition would like to promote their mutual goal of attracting visitors to the Lincoln Highway through the construction of a second mural on the east wall of the Transworld Plastic Films building at 150 North 15th Street. If approved, ILHC will select an artist to create the 200 square feet mural which will depict an event or place historically related to the City and Lincoln Highway at their cost. The concept of the mural, which has been approved by the ILHC, will focus on the history of transportation in Rochelle and will include an image of Rochelle's Partin-Palmer under the canopy of the 1918 Standard Oil Filling Station with a steam engine coming out of the side of the mural in a 3D effect. Through the agreements the City will be responsible for preparing the wall for the mural attachment, equipment required to install the mural (if needed) and the maintenance of the mural. Director of Rochelle Tourism & Visitor's Association Ross Freier will be in attendance to respond to any questions the Mayor and Council may have.


Approve Agreement between the City and Illinois Lincoln Highway Coalition

Approve Agreement between the City and Transworld Plastic Films

Agenda Item #5 - Simplified Municipal Telecommunications Tax Rate


default Memo from City Clerk Bruce McKinney

default Simplified Municipal Telecommunications Tax Fiscal Year Comparison

default Memo from Finance Manager Chris Frye

default Ordinance Simplified Municipal Telecommunications Tax Rate Change

Recommended Action:

Consider an Ordinance Amending the Telecommunications Tax Rate

History and Fact:

The maximum Simplified Municipal Telecommunications tax rate that can be assessed by municipalities with populations less than 500,000, as established by the State of Illinois, is 6%. The City's current tax rate of 5% was approved by the Mayor and Council in September of 2007. The Administrative Committee discussed the possibility of increasing the telecommunications tax rate at its meeting on August 2, 2012 and recommended forwarding the topic to the full council. The August 13, 2012 City Council agenda included a discussion on the topic. Following additional comments by City Clerk Bruce McKinney and input by Finance Manager Chris Frye on the overall state of the General Fund, the Mayor and Council requested that information on area telecommunication rates, revenue projections and the General Fund be provided for action at the next council meeting.


The rate comparison information collected for communities in Ogle County and larger municipalities in our area show 21 out of 25 communities at the maximum tax rate of 13% (including the State's 7%). Based on telecommunications tax revenues received during the first four months of this fiscal year, an additional 1% would have equated to nearly $35,000 in additional revenue. Finance Manager Chris Frye reported the following on the state of the General Fund: at the end of FY 2012 the Insurance, IMRF and Social Security Funds had negative fund balances, the draft FY 2012 audit report shows the use of $28,000 in General Fund reserves, transfers equated to 25.5% of the General Fund budgeted revenues for FY 2013, sales tax has averaged $7,000 less per month than budgeted in the first four months of this year, all four union contracts include wage increases of 3% in FY 2014, and health insurance costs continue to rise. In order for a new tax rate to be effective January 1, 2013 the City would need to file the appropriate documentation with the Illinois Department of Revenue no later than September 20, 2012. Although the increased telecommunications tax would be assessed beginning January 1st, the City would not begin receiving the increased proceeds until April of 2013.


Consider an Ordinance Amending the Simplified Municipal Telecommunications Tax Rate

Agenda Item #6 - Supplemental Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways – 2010/11 Seal Coat


default Memo from City Engineer Sam Tesreau

default Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways

Recommended Action:

Consider a Supplemental Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways by Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code

History and Fact:

In 2010, the Mayor and City Council approved two resolutions appropriating a total of $325,000 in Motor Fuel Tax funds for seal coat resurfacing of several streets and rehabilitation of a number of municipal parking lots. These projects have since been completed.


The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) recently completed an audit covering the receipt and disbursement of Motor Fuel Tax Funds from January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2011. An item identified in the audit, which requires attention, is that quantities exceeded the original estimated quantities for these two projects, resulting in an additional expenditure of $7,944.22. Approval of the supplemental resolution will allow IDOT to officially authorize all disbursements associated with the projects. No additional funds will be requested or disbursed as a result of this resolution.


Approve a Supplemental Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways by Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code.