• Pledge to the Flag
• Prayer
• Mayor
• Council Members
• Employee Introduction – default Tyler Carls
a) default Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting - July 23, 2012
b) Approve Bills – default 07/13/12-07/19/12 , default 07/20/12-07/26/12
c) default Approve Payroll - 07/09/12-07/22/12
d) default First Amendment to Employment Agreement
e) Establish Annual Trick-r-Treat Schedule October 31, 2012 from 5:00pm-8:00pm
f) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission - default June 4, 2012
2) Avenue F Extension and Water Treatment Plant Access Road Project
3) Special Use Permit to Allow Recycling Center at Behr Iron and Steel – 111 5th Avenue
4) Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Sign Property Value Agreements – EDA Grant
2) default Telecommunication Tax
3) default Elected Officials Compensation
Agenda Item #2 - Avenue F Extension and Water Treatment Plant Access Road Project
default Memo from City Engineer Sam Tesreau
Recommended Action:
Consider bids for the Avenue F Extension and Water Treatment Plant Access Road Project
History and Fact:
In 2008, the City of Rochelle was contacted about the possibility of available grant funds for projects meeting specific criteria. A project, meeting the criteria, was subsequently identified which provides a new access to the treatment plant via a roadway extension from Jack Dame Road and includes the removal of the Treatment Plant Road bridge over the Kyte River. This bridge structure has experienced significant deterioration and as a result weight restrictions have been imposed on the structure for the past few years. In 2011 the City received a grant award from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) in an amount not to exceed $450,000 for this project in addition to 100% of the grant funds.
Subsequent to the required public notice, the City Clerk opened three bids for the project on August 3, 2012. City Engineer, Sam Tesreau reviewed the bids and recommends the acceptance of the apparent low bidder, Northern Illinois Service Company, with a bid of $621,954.05. The 2012-13 Capital Improvements Fund budget includes $648,000 for this project which will be funded through the DCEO grant and sales tax and/or utility tax. Acceptance of the bid will allow the City to proceed with the project which, per the grant agreement, must be substantially complete by November 30, 2012.
Accept the bid from Northern Illinois Service Company in the amount of $621,954.05 and reject all other bids.
Agenda Item #3 - Special Use Permit to Allow Recycling Center at Behr Iron and Steel – 111 5th Avenue
default Memo from Community Development Director Chris Limas
default Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit to Allow a Recycling Center at 111 5th Avenue
Recommended Action:
Consider a Special Use Permit to Allow a Recycling Center at Behr Iron and Steel – 111 5th Avenue
History and Fact:
Behr Iron and Steel purchased the former PBM Concrete property and facilities at 111 5th Avenue a few years ago. Since that time they have worked to clean up the site and earlier this year received a "no further remediation" letter from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. They have now petitioned the City for a special use permit to allow them to operate an indoor drive-thru metal recycling operation, outdoor metal recycling operation and an auto recycling operation at the site. In addition they have requested two variances to the setback requirements for fencing.
Behr would like to operate the indoor drive-thru metal recycling operation in an existing building located in the northwest portion of the property. This facility would serve the general public and all metals would be received and stored inside the building until they are shipped. In addition, they would like to recycle scrap metal which would be stored in containers on the south side of the drive-thru building. The proposed auto recycling operation would also be housed in an existing building. The autos would be decommissioned through the removal of fluids, flattened and shipped to other Behr facilities for further processing. As part of the special use permit, Behr has also requested that they be allowed 18 months to install the sewer necessary to serve the indoor recycling center as required by code for occupancy. The hours of operation planned for the facility are Monday-Friday 8am-5pm and Saturday 8am-12 pm. In addition, Behr has requested variances to the 50' setback requirement in order to install a 10' high wood panel security fence 14' from the property line along 2nd Avenue and 20' from the north property line. On August 6, 2012 the Planning and Zoning Commission conducted a public hearing and subsequently voted 5-0 to recommend approval of the special use permit to allow a recycling facility at 111 5th Avenue and the two requested setback variances.
Authorize an Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit for an indoor drop-off recycling center and automobile recycling operation at 111 5th Avenue subject to conditions as outlined in the ordinance.
Agenda Item #4 - Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Sign Property Value Agreements – EDA Grant
default Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Sign Property Value Agreements for EDA Grant
Recommended Action:
Consider Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Sign Property Value Agreements – EDA Grant
History and Fact:
In March of this year the Economic Development Administration (EDA) announced a grant award of approximately $2.49 million to the City of Rochelle for the construction of rail and sewer improvements in association with the Nippon Sharyo and Coated Sand Solutions projects.
Last year, the City Council approved participation in the EDA grant application to support the Nippon Sharyo and Coated Sands Solutions project. As part of the application process, the EDA required that the City and affected property owners sign Property Value Agreements that acknowledges current property valuations and provides that owners cannot financially benefit from growth in property value for five years. The City Manager signed the grant applications, including the required Property Valuation Agreements, on behalf of the City. The EDA is now requiring that the Mayor and Council approve an ordinance which expressly grants the City Manager with the authority to sign these agreements on behalf of the City for this grant.
Approve an Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Sign Property Value Agreements Related to an Economic Development Administration Grant on Behalf of the City of Rochelle
Discussion Item #1 - Corridor Lighting Design
Significant improvements are planned for the City's Northern and Eastern Gateways over the next couple of years. Streetlights will be installed on IL Route 38 and Caron Road in connection with the Lighthouse Pointe Subdivision and the 2nd Phase of the IL Route 251 widening Project, from Flagg Road to south of IL Route 38, is expected to begin in 2014. These two projects provide an excellent opportunity to create a cohesive look for our community through an overall corridor lighting design. To accomplish this goal a group of City staff and stakeholders from the Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Rochelle Association, and Tourism met with representatives from Teska and Associates. The group established goals and objectives to be used in the development of an overall design and theme which included the following: safety through efficient lighting of roadways and sidewalks; express Rochelle's identity as a historic, quaint, family friendly community and; lighting that is sustainable in its use of energy. Jodi Mariano, Senior Associate with Teska and Associates will attend the meeting to provide the Lighting Design Concept Plan which has been developed to meet those objectives and respond to questions from the Mayor and Council members.
default Corridor Lighting Plan
default Corridor Lighting Presentation