• Pledge to the Flag
• Prayer
1) Rochelle Industrial Rail Improvement Project – Nippon Sharyo
2) ProLogis Park Rochelle Unit One Water And Sewer Improvements – Nippon Sharyo
Agenda Item #1 - Rochelle Industrial Rail Improvement Project – Nippon Sharyo
default Recommendation from Fehr Graham & Associates
Recommended Action: Consider bids for the Rochelle Industrial Rail Improvement Project.
History and Fact: On March 28, 2011 the Mayor and Council approved a Development Agreement between the City, ProLogis Land and Nippon Sharyo to facilitate the construction of a passenger railcar facility in the ProLogis Industrial Park. Included in this agreement are provisions for the City to extend the existing City Industrial Rail, located in ProLogis Park, to the western lot line of the Nippon Sharyo Parcel. The Nippon Sharyo facility is currently under construction and plans to be operational in spring of 2012.
Discussion: Subsequent to the required public notice, bids for the rail improvement project will be opened on August 31, 2011. Our consultant, Fehr-Graham & Associates, will review the bids and provide a recommendation of bid award to the Mayor and Council at the meeting. The 2011-12 Railroad Fund Capital Outlay Budget includes $5,000,000 for the rail improvements required to serve the Nippon Sharyo site. This project is expected to be funded through a $5,500,000 grant from the Illinois Department of Transportation, Division of Public and Intermodal Transportation.
Recommendation: Consider bids for the Rochelle Industrial Rail Improvement Project.
Agenda Item #2 - ProLogis Park Rochelle Unit One Water and Sewer Improvements – Nippon Sharyo
default Memo from Kathy Cooper Superintendent of Water/Water Reclamation
default Recommendation from Fehr-Graham & Associates
Recommended Action: Consider bids for the ProLogis Park Rochelle Unit One Water and Sewer Improvements
History and Fact: The Development Agreement between the City, ProLogis and Nippon Sharyo, approved early this year, also includes provisions for the City to install water and sewer main to the Nippon Sharyo site. Plans include the construction of approximately 1,000 feet of 8" sewer main from the existing terminus on Ritchie Road north to the Nippon Sharyo site. In addition, approximately 6,100 feet of 12" water main will be installed from Ritchie Road, north to the Nippon Sharyo site, diagonal along the property line and under Interstate 88 to the Americold property where it will connect to an existing 12" water main on Wiscold Drive. The connection between the two water mains is necessary to provide the fire flow requirements at the Nippon Sharyo facility.
Discussion: Subsequent to the required public notice, bids for the water and sewer improvements will be opened on August 30, 2011. Our consultant, Fehr-Graham & Associates, will review the bids and provide a recommendation of bid award to the Mayor and Council at the meeting. The 2011-12 Capital Outlay Budget includes $350,000 in the Water Fund and $125,000 in the Water Reclamation Fund for the improvements to serve Nippon Sharyo. This project is expected to be funded via a $1,000,000 Community Development Assistance Program grant through the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.
Recommendation: Consider bids for the ProLogis Park Rochelle Unit One Water and Sewer Improvements