City of Rochelle Council Chambers
420 North 6th Street, Rochelle, IL 61068
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Agenda Item #1 - Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit for Chicagoland Skydiving Center
Attached Memo by Chris Limas, Community Development Director
default Attached Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit
Recommend Action:
Consider a Special Use Request for Chicagoland Skydiving Center
History & Fact:
Over the past few months, Doug Smith, owner of Chicagoland Skydiving Center (CSC), has discussed plans to relocate his skydiving business from Hinckley to Rochelle with the Planning and Zoning Commission, Airport Advisory Commission and City Council. On February 14, 2011 the Mayor and Council approved the creation of an A-Airport zoning district which, among other airport related uses, allows for a skydiving operation by means of a special use permit.
Sky Team Incorporated has petitioned the City for a special use permit to allow CSC to operate a skydiving business and associated accessory uses at the Rochelle Municipal Airport. The accessory uses include an aircraft hangar, welcome center, restaurant/bar and an RV park. The development of the skydiving center is proposed in two phases: temporary structures for the first year and permanent structures thereafter. The temporary structure site plan includes three office trailers, a temporary restroom facility, permanent taxiway and ramp extensions, a tent for staging, an aggregate driveway, parking lot and RV parking area and a chain link fence. The permanent structure site plan includes a 100 x 100 foot hanger, office/classroom building, utilities, ramp expansion, seasonal tent, gazebo and asphalt parking lot and access drive. On March 7, 2011 the Planning and Zoning Commission conducted a Public Hearing and subsequently voted 5-0 to recommend approval of the application subject to several conditions including: layout in conformance with the Preliminary Site Plan dated 2/25/11, allow accessory uses shown on the site plan, approval of a lease agreement, approval of a final site plan and engineering which includes stormwater management for the permanent structures, installation of permanent water and sewer prior to the 2012 season, all applicable codes must be met, approval of a sign permit, RV's must be removed at the end of the season, the grounds must be maintained, the operation of the skydiving business must not interfere with normal airport operations, Gurler Road must be upgraded per City requirements. In addition, the temporary structures must meet the following conditions: aggregate areas must be kept dust free, all applicable codes must be met, approval of a sign permit and removal of all temporary structures prior to the start of the 2012 season.
Authorize an Ordinance Approving a Special Use Pemit for Chicagoland Skydiving Center Subject to Conditions as Outlined
Agenda Item #2 - Land Lease Agreement between the City and Sky Team, Inc.
default Attached Land Lease Agreement
Recommend Action:
Consider a Land Lease Agreement between the City and Sky Team, Inc.
History & Fact:
Representatives from Chicagoland Skydiving Center (CSC) have been meeting with City representatives for several months regarding the relocation and expansion of their skydiving business at the Rochelle Municipal Airport. A Land Lease Agreement has been developed between the City and Sky Team, Inc to facilitate the construction of an aviation hangar, office building and other facilities related to the skydiving operation. Details of the proposed Land Lease Agreement were discussed at the March 14, 2011 City Council Meeting.
Sky Team would like to lease approximately 7 acres of property for a term of 20 years with two options to extend the term for an additional 10 years each. An annual ground rent will be paid to the City in monthly installments as follows: $40,000 for years one through five, $25,000 for years six through twenty. In addition, Sky Team will be responsible for all real estate taxes related to the premises and improvements. Permitted uses, per the lease, include the operation of a skydiving business, a hangar for skydiving purposes, aircraft sales and leasing, operation of a restaurant and retail store, and operation of an RV park. Rules and regulations are also included which govern alcohol consumption, the drop zone and the RV camping area. The lessee will construct, at their cost, an aviation hangar, office building, parking lot, RV parking lot, aviation ramp, staging gazebo and internal roadway from the parking lot to the RV park. Per the lease, City will provide sanitary sewer and water to the boundary of the leased premises, a roadway entrance and internal roadway to the parking facility, fencing around the leased premises and an expansion of the taxiway.
Approve a Land Lease Agreement between the City and Sky Team, Inc.