City of Rochelle Council Chambers
420 North 6th Street, Rochelle, IL 61068
- Pledge to the Flag
- Prayer
- Mayor
- Council Members
- default Employee Introduction - Michelle Quest
- a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting - default February 28, 2011
- b) Approve Minutes of Special City Council Meeting - default February 18, 2011
- c) Approve Bills 02/25/11-03/02/11
- d) Approve Payroll default 02/07/11-02/20/11
- e) Accept and Place on File default Motor Fuel Tax Fund Audit - January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2009
- 2) Firest Avenue Lift Station Project
- 3) Preliminary Plat - Prologis Park Rochelle Unit One
- 4) Amendment to the Lee County Enterprise Zone
- 5) Reduction in Letter of Credit - Squires Landing Subdivision
- 6) Engineering Agreement with Fehr-Graham and Associates - Jack Dame Road Overpass
- 7) Ordinance Amending Municipal Code & Resolution - Annual Alarm System Permits
- 8) Simplified Municipal Telecommunications Tax Rate Change
- 1) Towing Ordinance
- 2) Amendment to Annexation Agreement Prologis Park
- 3) Site Development Agreement Prologis Park/Nippon Sharyo Parcel
- 4) Land Lease Agreement Between City of Rochelle and Chicagoland Skydiving Center
- 5) 2011-2012 Budget Timeline
Agenda Item #2 - First Avenue Lift Station Project
default Attached Memo from Edward Carr, RMU General Manager
default Attached Memo from Kathy Cooper, Superintendent of Water/Water Reclamation
Recommend Action:
Consider bids for the First Avenue Lift Station Project
History & Fact:
To assist with public improvements related to the recent plant expansion of Sara Lee, an application for a Community Development Assistance Program (CDAP) grant was submitted through the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity. A CDAP grant in the amount of $720,000 was subsequently approved to assist with the construction of approx. 600 linear feet of sanitary sewer and upgrades to the existing First Avenue lift station. The design and bid specifications for the project were prepared by Willett Hofmann & Associates with an estimated cost of $794,000.
In July of 2010 a single contractor responded to the request for bids. Due to the amount of the bid, $1,199,879, staff recommended rejecting it and rebidding at a later date when contractors would be preparing for the 2011 construction season. Subsequent to the required public notice, bids were opened on March 3, 2011, with six contractors submitting bids. RMU staff and their consultant, Matt Hansen from Willett Hofmann, have reviewed the bids and recommend accepting the apparent low bid from Fischer Excavating in the amount of $720,130.26. Construction related to this project is expected to begin in April and will take approximately eight weeks.
Accept the bid from Fischer Excavating in the amount of $720,130.26.
Agenda Item #3 - Preliminary Plat - Prologis Park Rochelle Unit One
default Attached Memo from Chris Limas, Community Development Director
default ProLogis Park Rochelle Unit One Preliminary Plat
default Ordinance Approving Preliminary Plat of Subdivision Prologis Park Rochelle Unit One
Recommend Action:
Consider Preliminary Plat for Prologis Park Rochelle Unit One
History & Fact:
On October 25, 2010 the Mayor and City Council approved the final plat for the Interstate Transportation Center Subdivision, which was to include the Nippon-Sharyo development. Nippon-Sharyo plans to build a 450,000 square foot factory to construct passenger rail cars. Since the approval of the final plat, Nippon Sharyo has decided to locate their facility in the Prologis Park situated east of Caron Road, south of Interstate 88 and north of Steward and Ritchie Roads.
The preliminary plat for Prologis Park Rochelle Unit One includes a six lot subdivision with right-of-way dedication for a road and rail. Outlots A, B, C and D will contain the detention and drainage for the subdivision and Lot 1 will accommodate the Nippon-Sharyo facility. Lot 2 will be available for future development. On March 7, 2011 the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the petition for the preliminary plat and voted to recommend approval by a vote of 7-0 subject to any required changes to easements or right-of-ways and an approved stormwater management plan.
Authorize an Ordinance Approving the Preliminary Plat of Subdivision for Prologis Park Rochelle Unit One
Agenda Item #4 - Amendment to the Lee County Enterprise Zone
default Attached Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 01-3051 Enterprise Zone
Recommended Action:
Consider Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 01-3051 (Enterprise Zone)
Consider Intergovernmental Agreement Amendment #14
History & Fact:
On December 23, 1986 the City of Dixon and County of Lee entered into an Intergovernmental Agreement to provide for the administration of an enterprise zone encompassing contiguous portions of the City of Dixon and County of Lee. The agreement was subsequently amended to include the City of Amboy, Village of Ashton, Village of Franklin Grove, Village of Paw Paw, City of Rochelle and Ogle County. As part of the agreement the government units included have indicated their willingness and desire to extend the boundaries of the Lee County Enterprise Zone to include additional properties, alter incentives, and alter the termination date of the zone.
On October 25, 2010 the Mayor and City Council approved an amendment to the Enterprise Zone to include the Interstate Transportation Center, a territory expansion of 146 acres, to accommodate the Nippon Sharyo facility. Since that time, Nippon Sharyo has decided to locate their facility in the Prologis industrial park. Due to the location change, the Lee County Enterprise Zone plans to submit an application to the State of Illinois for zone changes to include 35 acres in Prologis Park and remove the Interstate Transportation Center property. John Thompson representing the Lee County Enterprise Zone will be in attendance to provide additional information and answer any questions.
Approve an Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 01-3051 (Enterprise Zone)
Approve Intergovernmental Agreement Amendment #14
Agenda Item #5 - Reduction in Letter of Credit - Squires Landing Subdivision
default Attached Memo from Sam Tesreau, City Engineer
Recommended Action:
Consider a Reduction in the Letter of Credit for Squires Landing Subdivision
History & Fact:
An irrevocable letter of credit, No. S2005-246 for $1,514,361.53 was originally submitted to the City of Rochelle by Squires Landing LLC to secure their obligations related to land improvement for Squires Landing Subdivision located east of 20th Street. On October 9, 2007 the Mayor and Council approved a reduction in the letter of credit to $390,756 due to completion of the majority of required improvements. On October 14, 2008 the deadline for completion of the remaining public improvements and maturity date of the letter of credit were extended to October 18, 2009. A subsequent reduction in the letter of credit to $98,600 was approved on September 14, 2009 along with a two year extension due to the downturn in residential development.
Ryan Fitzgerald, representing Springcreek Development Group, has requested a further reduction in the letter of credit based on the completion of additional improvements. City Engineer, Sam Tesreau, has reviewed the request and outlined the remaining conditions required for release of the surety: completion of sidewalks, ramps, restoration and as built plans. Since the final plat was recorded in 2006 there have been 22 building permits issued in the Squires Landing Subdivision which accounts for approximately 50% of the lots. The sidewalks and ramps along the undeveloped lot frontages have not been completed or connected to the existing sidewalks. Given that there are additional items to be completed, the replacement letter of credit or other surety recommended is no less than $48,000 with an expiration date of no earlier than October 31, 2011.
Approve a Reduction in the Letter of Credit for Squires Landing Subdivision
Agenda Item #6 - Engineering Agreement with Fehr-Graham & Associates - Jack Dame Road Overpass
default Attached Memo from Sam Tesreau, City Engineer
default Attached Agreement between the City of Rochelle and Fehr-Graham and Associates
Recommended Action:
Consider an agreement between the City of Rochelle and Fehr-Graham & Associates for engineering services related to phase one of the Jack Dame Road Overpass
History and Fact:
The City of Rochelle, in association with Ogle and Lee County, held a Regional Transportation Summit with area legislators in January of 2007 to discuss various roadway infrastructure needs within and adjacent to the City of Rochelle. Various funding requests were submitted to the legislators as part of the summit. Congressman Manzullo has obtained approximately $245,000 for the Jack Dame Road Overpass Project which is a key component of the Greater Ogle County Southwest Rochelle Truck Route. This funding will help offset the cost for a Preliminary Engineering feasibility analysis and the preparation of other required supporting documents.
Fehr-Graham and Associates has identified a scope of services for preliminary engineering elements for a fee of $204,263. Additional engineering phases will be required in the future before a final set of construction plans and documents are approved and ready for bid letting. The preliminary engineering and analysis will define further engineering steps necessary as funding is available. The City will be reimbursed for eligible items by the Illinois Department of Transportation once the appropriate documentation is submitted and reviewed per the provisions of the agreement.
Authorize the City Manager to sign an agreement between the City of Rochelle and Fehr-Graham & Associates for engineering services related to phase one of the Jack Dame Road Overpass
Agenda Item #7 - Ordinance Amending Municipal Code & Resolution - Annual Alarm System Permits
default Attached Memo from Rene Smith, Police Department Administrative Assistant
default Attached Ordinance Amending Chapter 38 (Emergency Services) of the Municipal Code
default Attached Resolution Establishing Alarm Permit Fee
Recommended Action:
Consider an Ordinance Amending Chapter 38 (Emergency Services) of the Municipal Code to Authorize Annual Alarm System Permits and a Resolution Establishing Alarm Permit Fees
History & Fact:
The Rochelle Municipal Code provides that anyone installing or maintaining a burglar, smoke, fire, or medical alarm, which provides for notification to the Police and/or Fire Department, must file a permit application with the Chief of Police. The alarm permits currently expire three years following the filing of the application. This system results in alarm holders having different expiration dates, requiring billing to be processed every month. In addition, important information contained on the application often changes over a three year period and can result in issues for the responding department.
The Police Department is recommending that alarm permits be changed to an annual application process. This would result in a more efficient billing process and increase the accuracy of the information. The change would be effective on May 1, 2011 and current permit holders would be converted to the new schedule over the next three years. In addition an increase in the current rate of $20 per three year period to $25 per year is recommended. This increase will help offset the costs associated with billing, processing the applications and permits, and response from the Police and Fire Departments.
Approve an Ordinance Amending Chapter 38 (Emergency Services) of the Municipal Code to Authorize Annual Alarm System Permits
Approve a Resolution Establishing Alarm Permit Fee
Agenda Item #8 - SImplified Municipal Telecommunications Tax Rate Change
default Attached Memo from Bruce McKinney, City Clerk
default Attached Ordinance Approving Telecommunications Tax Rate Change
Recommended Action:
Consider Ordinance Approving Telecommunications Tax Rate Change
History & Fact:
In 2002 the State of Illinois increased the telecommunications tax rate that municipalities could charge to a maximum of 6%. This, combined with the State's portion, equates to a total maximum telecommunications tax rate allowable of 13%. The Mayor and City Council voted to increase the City's portion of the telecommunications tax rate from 1% to 3% in 2006 and again in 2007 to 5%. This rate may be adjusted annually.
Several of the surrounding communities have increased their telecommunications tax rate to the 6% maximum. Increasing the tax rate from 5% to 6% would provide an additional $60,000 per year in tax receipts to the City. In order to proceed with an increase, a certified copy of the ordinance must be filed with the Illinois Department of Revenue by March 20, 2011.
Consider Ordinance Approving Telecommunications Tax Rate Change
Discussion Item #1 - Towing Ordinance
Discussion Item #2 - Amendment to Annexation Agreement Prologis Park
Discussion Item #3 - Site Development Agreement Prologis Park/ Nippon Sharyo Parcel
Section 86-52 of the Rochelle Municipal Code requires that surety in the amount of 110% of the cost of all public improvements must be provided, and that the City Engineer must certify that this surety has in fact been posted. Since the grants are made to the City and the public improvements funded by the grants exceed the minimum requirements of the project, the developer is not in a position to post this level of surety.
Discussion Item #4 - Land Lease Agreement Between the City of Rochelle and Chicagoland Skydiving Center
As discussed at the February 14, 2011 City Council Meeting, Chicagoland Skydiving Center (CSC) is interested in relocating and expanding their skydiving business at the Rochelle Municipal Airport. A Land Lease Agreement has been developed between the City and CSC which would enable CSC to lease property for the purpose of constructing an aviation hangar, office building and other related facilities.
Airport Superintendent Don Elliott and City Attorney Alan Cooper will be in attendance to provide details of the proposed agreement and respond to questions from the Mayor and Council.