City Council Meeting January 10, 2011

City of Rochelle Council Chambers
420 North 6th Street, Rochelle, IL 61068


  • Pledge to the Flag
  • Prayer






  • 1) CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS BY OMNIBUS VOTE with Recommendations:


  • 1) Transform Rochelle
  • 2) Amendment to Silverwood Annexation Agreement
  • 3) Flood Plain Study




Agenda Item #2 - Amendment of CenterPoint Annexation Agreement (Public Hearing and Action)


Recommend Action:

Conduct the Public Hearing

Consider Ordinance Authorizing an Amendment of CenterPoint Annexation Agreement

History & Fact:

On April 14, 2003 the Mayor and City Council approved an Annexation Agreement with CenterPoint Properties for approximately 367 acres of land north of Illinois Route 38 West. On that same date the property was also annexed into the City with an I-1 Light Industry zoning. On December 27, 2010 the Mayor and Council approved rezoning the property to I-2 General Industry.


An amendment to the Annexation Agreement has been drafted which was necessitated by the anticipated dedication of a portion of CenterPoint's property along BNSF rail line for the City's construction of a rail siding. Once constructed, this rail will service both the Black Earth and CenterPoint properties. The property to be dedicated was reserved for use as a buffer in the original Annexation Agreement. In addition the amendment recognizes the I-2 zoning and the new concept plan which the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended for approval at their January 3, 2011 meeting. The site plan coincides with the preliminary plat which is contained in the following agenda item.


Conduct the Required Public Hearing

Approve an Ordinance Authorizing an Amendment of CenterPoint Annexation Agreement

Agenda Item #3 - Preliminary Plat CenterPoint Intermodal Center Rochelle Phase II


Memo with Attachments from Chris Limas, Community Development Director
Ordinance Approving Preliminary Plat for CenterPoint Intermodal Center

Recommend Action:

Consider Preliminary Plat for CenterPoint Intermodal Center

History & Fact:

Rochelle Development Joint Venture LLC, Rochelle Development Lot 1 LLC and CenterPoint Intermodal Center Rochelle Properties Association have petitioned for approval of a preliminary plat for a thirteen lot industrial subdivision located on the north side of Illinois Route 38 at the intersection of CenterPoint Drive and Illinois Route 38. The proposed subdivision would include ten buildable lots, with three outlots reserved for detention and stormwater management. The buildable lots in the subdivision have been configured north and south in order to maximize rail access to the lots. In addition CenterPoint Drive has been continued to the north and CenterPoint Court, a new east and west street, and Industrial Drive, a new north and south street, have been added.


On January 3, 2011 the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the petition for a preliminary plat. Due to the length of CenterPoint Drive, and per the annexation agreement, staff will require an additional street prior to final platting of lots 5 and 6 to access property to the west. The Plan Commission voted to recommend approval of the preliminary plat by a vote of 8-0 subject to any changes being worked out during the final platting and engineering process.


Authorize an Ordinance Approving the Preliminary Plat for CenterPoint Intermodal Center Rochelle Phase Two, subject to any changes being worked out during the final platting and engineering process.

Agenda Item #4 - Engineering Agreement with Fehr-Graham and Associates - Rail Grant ITC Industrial Park


default Attached Agreement between the City of Rochelle and Fehr Graham and Associaties

Recommended Action:

Consider an agreement between the City of Rochelle and Fehr-Graham & Associates for engineering services related to rail improvements

History and Fact:

The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) has approved funding in the amount of $5,000,000 through the Bureau of Railroads to construct an industrial rail spur to serve the Nippon Sharyo facility in the ITC Industrial Park.


The IDOT approved project includes the installation of approximately 8,342 feet of rail siding and associated structures in the industrial park. The Bureau of Railroad grant authorizes engineering services not to exceed $479,953 for engineering design work and $274,259 for construction engineering. Fehr Graham & Associates have submitted a proposal for engineering services related to the design, permitting, preparation of bid documents and grant administration for this project at fee of $287,590, which is $192,363 below the estimated cost. In addition Fehr Graham's proposal includes engineering services related to hydraulic surveys, compaction tests, material inspections and construction observation at an amount not to exceed $274,259. This agreement will be executed once the land transaction is complete between the developer and Nippon Sharyo. These engineering services are allowable expenses through the IDOT project and will be paid through grant funds.


Authorize the City Manager to sign an agreement between the City of Rochelle and Fehr-Graham & Associates for engineering services related to rail improvements for the Interstate Transportation Center

Discussion Item #1 - Transform Rochelle

The Rochelle Area Chamber of Commerce & Business Development is committed to developing
strategies which stimulate retail and commercial development in our community. Similar to the 2008
Reinvest in Rochelle initiative, the Chamber has developed an incentive program designed to spur
redevelopment and expansion of existing retail and commercial businesses in our community. Chamber
Executive Director, Peggy Friday, will be in attendance to share information on the proposed Transform
Rochelle Commercial & Retail Stimulus Program and respond to questions from the Mayor and City

Discussion Item #2 - Amendment to Silverwood Annexation Agreement

On May 23, 2005 the Mayor and Council approved an annexation agreement between the City and
Squires Landing, LLC for 151.09 acres west of 20th Street from 8th Avenue north. In addition, ordinances
were approved on that date to annex and zone the property PUD-R. In 2006 Wiseman Hughes Enterprises
had an option on the property and submitted petitions to develop the Silverwood Subdivision. On
October 17, 2006 the Mayor and Council approved a Conditional Use Permit, Preliminary Plat/PUD Plat
and Planned Unit Development Agreement for the Silverwood Subdivision but these agreements were
never executed. The property has since been purchased by AKCK, LLC. A representative of AKCK,
LLC has met with City staff to discuss modifications to the original annexation agreement with the intent
of developing a residential subdivision. City Attorney, Alan Cooper, will provide information on the
proposed modifications and respond to questions from the Mayor and City Council.

Discussion Item #3 - Flood Plain Study

On October 26, 2009 the Mayor and Council approved an agreement with Wills Burke Kelsey Associates
for completion of the Greater Rochelle Base Water Elevation Study. Included in this study is a 125
square mile area bounded by Bethel Road to the north, Mulford Road to the east, Perry Road to the south
and Brooklyn Road to the west. The survey work, modeling and summary have been completed in
preparation for submission of the study to the IDNR and FEMA. A representative of Wills Burke Kelsey
Associates will provide an informational presentation on the study and respond to questions from the
Mayor and City Council. Once approved by FEMA, this study will replace the current flood maps for the
City of Rochelle dated April 1, 1982.