CIty of Rochelle Council Chambers
420 North 6th Street, Rochelle, IL 61068
• Pledge to the Flag
• Prayer
• Mayor
• Council Members
• default Financial Statements September 2011
a) default Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting-October 11, 2011
b) Approve Bills default 09/30/11-10/06/11 , default 10/07/11-10/13/11
c) Approve Payroll default 09/19/11-10/02/11
2) Purchase of Mini Digger-Derrick Unit
3) Airport Sanitary Sewer Project
4) Executive Search Services Proposal-General Manager Rochelle Municipal Utilities
5) Request from Metal Recyclers for Permission to Place Disposal Containers within the City
6) Engineering Agreement with Fehr-Graham & Associates – City Industrial Rail
7) Tiger III Grant Funds Commitment Letter –Jack Dame Road Overpass
Agenda Item #2 - Purchase of Mini Digger-Derrick Unit – RMU Electric Operations
default Attached Memo from Joe Orlikowski, Supt of Electric Operations
Recommended Action:
Consider bids for the purchase of a Mini Digger-Derrick Unit for Rochelle Municipal Utilities Electric Operations.
History and Fact:
The 2011-12 Electric Operations Capital Outlay Budget includes $140,000 for the purchase of a new portable digging/lifting unit for the RMU Transmission and Distribution Division. The Division currently has a 1999 portable unit which will be retained as a back-up following the purchase of a new unit.
Subsequent to the required public notice, the Deputy City Clerk opened the following three bids on October 13, 2011 for a Mini Digger-Derrick Unit: Dueco $149,990 for a SDP EZ Hauler, Dueco $156,152 for a Super 6000 with skylift and Altec $128,655 for a DB37 unit. Superintendent of Electric Operations Joe Orlikowski has reviewed the bids and recommends acceptance of the apparent low bid from Dueco of $149,990 for a SDP EZ Hauler, which is the only bid that meets the minimum specifications. The recommended bid is $9,990 over the budgeted amount but the recent purchase of a meter reader vehicle was $15,000 below the budgeted amount. The capital expenditures overall for the Electric Fund will remain within the budgeted amount.
Accept the bid for the Mini Digger-Derrick Unit, SDP EZ Hauler, from Dueco for a total of $149,900 and reject all other bids.
Agenda Item #3 - Airport Sanitary Sewer Project
default Memo from Don Elliott Superintendent of Streets, Cemetery & Airport
default Letter of Recommendation from Fehr-Graham & Associates
Recommended Action:
Consider bids for the Airport Sanitary Sewer Project.
History and Fact:
The long range plans for the Rochelle Municipal Airport include the construction of sanitary sewer to serve the facility. These plans became time-sensitive when the Mayor and City Council approved a Land Lease Agreement with Sky Team Incorporated on March 21, 2011 that includes requirements for the City to provide sanitary sewer to the leased premises by April 1, 2012. On September 26, 2011 the Mayor and Council rejected bids opened in August for the sanitary sewer project so that design modifications could be made to reduce the cost of the project. These design modifications have since been completed.
Subsequent to the required public notice, bids for the sanitary sewer project will be opened on October 20, 2011. Staff and our consultant, Fehr-Graham & Associates, will review the bids and provide a recommendation of bid award to the Mayor and Council at the meeting. The 2011-12 Airport Capital Outlay Budget includes $150,000 for the sanitary sewer improvements.
Consider bids for the Airport Sanitary Sewer Project.
Agenda Item #4 - Executive Search Services Proposal – General Manager Rochelle Municipal Utilities
Executive Search Services Proposal-General Manager RMU
Recommended Action:
Consider a proposal from Mycoff, Fry & Prouse, LLC to conduct an executive search to recruit a General Manager for Rochelle Municipal Utilities
History and Fact:
Rochelle Municipal Utilities (RMU) has been in operation since the late 1800's and currently provides electric, water, water reclamation and communication services to over 7,000 commercial and residential customers in the greater Rochelle region. The business operations of this multi-million dollar enterprise have been administered for many years by the RMU General Manager. Since May of this year, following the resignation of RMU General Manager Ed Carr, the position has remained vacant. The Administrative Committee of the City Council discussed this vacancy on October 3, 2011 along with a proposal for an executive search to fill the position. The consensus of the committee was to discuss the RMU General Manager vacancy and the associated proposal with the full council.
The future of RMU, under the direction of the General Manager, is extremely important to both the community as a whole and the City of Rochelle's overall financial position. For this reason, an executive search proposal was requested from the firm of Mycoff, Fry & Prouse, a recognized leader in the recruitment of executives and management personnel in the utility industry. The firm has identified a scope of services to facilitate the selection of the RMU General Manager which includes: gathering information from RMU and the City, developing a position profile, conducting recruitment activities and interviewing candidates for a minimum fee of $39,000, plus expenses. Providing the Mayor and Council approve the proposal, City Staff will participate in interviews with the finalists as well as the final selection of the RMU General Manager. Although the cost for this search was not included in the 2011-12 budget, it should be offset by the fact that the position has remained vacant for several months.
Authorize the City Manager to sign the proposal from Mycoff, Fry & Prouse, LLC to conduct an executive search to recruit a General Manager for Rochelle Municipal Utilities
Agenda Item #5 - Request from Metal Recyclers for Permission to Place Disposal Containers within the City
default Request from Metal Recyclers
default Memorandum from City Attorney Alan Cooper
default Waste Collection Agreement with Rochelle Disposal Service, Inc.
Recommended Action:
Consider a request from Metal Recyclers
History and Fact:
The owners of Metal Recyclers submitted a letter to the City Council in June requesting permission "to set containers within the City limits to collect construction waste and other needs that require a large tub container." Metal Recyclers is located at 8th Avenue and 20th Street and provides recycling and container services to residents and businesses in the surrounding communities.
The City of Rochelle entered into a Waste Collection Agreement with Rochelle Disposal Service in 1995. This agreement provides Rochelle Disposal Service with rights associated with the collection and hauling of waste within the City limits. City Attorney Alan Cooper reviewed the request from Metal Recyclers, the existing Waste Collection Agreement, applicable state statutes and City Code provisions and provided his conclusions to the Mayor and City Council at their meeting on July 25, 2011. Due to the complicated nature of this request, the City Manager recommended referring it to the Administrative Committee for an in-depth discussion. On October 18, 2011 representatives from the City, Rochelle Waste Disposal and Metal Recyclers presented their positions to the Administrative Committee. Following a lengthy discussion, the three members of the Administrative Committee, Councilman Eckhardt, Councilman Rice and Councilwoman Hollonbeck, agreed to recommend denial of the Metal Recyclers request to the City Council.
Deny a request from Metal Recyclers for permission to place disposal containers within the City limits.
Agenda Item #6 - Engineering Agreement with Fehr-Graham & Associates – City Industrial Rail
Memo from Jason Anderson Economic Development Director
default Agreement between the City and Fehr-Graham & Associates
Recommended Action:
Consider an engineering agreement with Fehr-Graham & Associates for services related to the design of the City Industrial Rail extension.
History and Fact:
In February of this year the Mayor and Council authorized the City Manager to file a petition with the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) for an extension of the City Industrial Rail across Steward Road. This was the first step towards providing rail access to industries interested in locating facilities on property in the southeast corner of Steward and Ritchie Roads. The ICC subsequently approved the petition and on September 12, 2011 the Mayor and Council approved the annexation of 28.05 acres for the Coated Sand Solutions facility on a portion of the property.
Fehr-Graham and Associates has identified a scope of services related to the rail extension which includes: a topographic survey, railroad easements, land acquisition, design of the extension and a storm water pollution prevention plan for a fee of $44,150 plus time and materials for assistance with securing the ICC approval. All of the required preliminary services, excluding the design of the rail extension, have already been completed and paid for. Economic Development Director Jason Anderson recommends that the City proceed with the final portion of the engineering agreement, design of the rail extension, at a cost of $34,800. The 2011-12 Railroad Budget includes $75,000 for professional engineering services related to the expansion of the railroad.
Authorize the City Manager to sign an engineering agreement with Fehr-Graham & Associates for services related to the design of the City Industrial Rail extension.
Agenda Item #7 - Tiger III Grant Funds Commitment Letter –Jack Dame Road Overpass
default Memo from City Engineer Sam Tesreau
default Commitment of Local Share Letter
Recommended Action:
Consider Commitment Letter
History and Fact:
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act was signed into law in February of 2009. As part of the Act, the Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) Grant Program was created to spur competition for transportation projects having a significant economic impact on the Nation, a metropolitan area or a region. In 2009 the City, along with Ogle and Lee Counties, applied for a TIGER Grant for the Southwest Rochelle Truck Loop but were unsuccessful.
Discussion: Earlier this year the United States Department of Transportation announced that approximately $527,000 million dollars would be awarded through another round of TIGER Grant applications. The City of Rochelle and Ogle County plan to submit a grant application in order to construct a portion of the Southwest Truck loop, the Jack Dame Road overpass. The City of Rochelle's Comprehensive Plan designates this overpass as a planned arterial road improvement which will direct traffic to roadways better suited for heavy traffic volumes. Projects chosen in the past for TIGER Grant awards typically included a local match of 50%. The City and Ogle County believe this match is reasonable and would strengthen the chances of consideration. The estimated project cost for the Jack Dame Road overpass and associated improvements is $15,905,000. The City's portion of 25%, $3,975,750, would be provided through a variety of funding sources such as sales tax, utility tax, property tax, MFT funds and/or other agency funding sources. The funding commitment included in the proposed letter is contingent on the award of the TIGER grant and would be void if the project is not selected. Final applications for the TIGER III Grant must be submitted by October 31, 2011.
Authorize the Mayor to sign a Commitment of Local Share funding letter associated with the TIGER III Grant application for the Jack Dame Road Overpass