City Council Agenda November 14, 2011

City of Rochelle Council Chambers

420 North 6th Street, Rochelle, IL 61068


• Pledge to the Flag

• Prayer



• Service Award Presentation to Lee Harris - Police and Fire Commission


• Mayor

• Council Members




a) default Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting - October 24, 2011

b) default Accept and Place on File Airport Advisory Board Minutes - June 27, 2011

c) default Accept and Place on File Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes - September 6, 2011

d) Approve Bills default 10/14/11-10/20/11 , default 10/21/11 - 10/27/11 , default 10/28/11 - 11/03/11

e) Approve Payroll default 10/03/11 - 10/16/11 , default 10/17/11 - 10/30/11

f) default Approve Downtown Rochelle Association Request - Old Fashioned Christmas Walk 0

g) default Authorize Lighted Christmas Parade - December 2, 2011

h) default Accept and Place on File Municipal Compliance Report - Police Pension Fund

2) Purchase of Command Vehicle – Fire Department

3) Resolution for Improvement - South 3rd Street and Avenue H

4) Executive Search Services Proposal - General Manager Rochelle Municipal Utilities

5) Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Submit an EDA Application and Accept Award

6) Extension of Letter of Credit – Squires Landing





Agenda Item #2 - Purchase of Command Vehicle – Fire Department

References: default Attached Memo from Fire Chief Brian Johnson

Recommended Action: Consider bids for the purchase of a command vehicle for the Fire Department.

History and Fact: The 2011-12 Ambulance Fund Capital Outlay Budget includes $25,000 for the purchase of a command vehicle for the Fire Department. This vehicle will be used as a command vehicle for the fire chief and, when necessary, to tow the rescue boat and hazardous materials trailer to emergency scenes. The current command vehicle will be maintained for use by the shift lieutenant for day-to-day needs.

Discussion: Subsequent to the required public notice, bids for a ¾ ton 4x4 crew cab pick-up truck were opened on November 1, 2011, with three dealers submitting the following bids: Prescott Brothers Ford $27,314.82, Sawicki Motor Co. $28,568.00 and Schimmer Inc. $29,566.86. Fire Chief Brian Johnson has reviewed the bids and recommends the acceptance of the apparent low bidder, Prescott Brothers, with their bid of $27,314.82 for a 2012 Ford F250. The recommended bid is approximately $2,400 over the budgeted amount but other expenditures in the ambulance fund have come in under budget. Considering these variances the capital expenditures overall for the Ambulance Fund will remain within the budgeted amount.

Recommendation: Approve the bid from Prescott Brothers Ford for a total of $27,314.82 and reject all other bids.

Agenda Item #3 - Resolution for Improvement - South 3rd Street and Avenue H

References: default Attached Memo from City Engineer Sam Tesreau

default Attached Bid Tabulation

default Attached Resolution for Improvement by Municipality

Recommended Action: Consider a Resolution for Improvement by Municipality and bids for improvements on South 3rd Street and Avenue H

History and Fact: Several streets in the southeast quadrant of the City were identified by council members and City staff in 2005 for reconstruction and urbanization. Since that time, South 1st Street, South 2nd Street and sections of Avenue G have been reconstructed and urbanized. The 2011-12 Capital Improvements Fund (CIF) budget includes $197,000 for improvements on South 3rd Street from Avenue G to Avenue H and a portion of Avenue H from Main Street to 2nd Avenue. The improvements planned include curb and gutter, pavement, storm sewer, sidewalks and ramps. On July 25, 2011 the Mayor and Council approved an ordinance authorizing City staff to acquire property in this area to expand the right of way at an estimated cost of $2,570. This property acquisition has been completed and the plans have been finalized.

Discussion: Subsequent to the required public notice, bids were opened by the City Clerk on November 7, 2011 with six contractors submitting bids. City Engineer Sam Tesreau has reviewed the bids and recommends the acceptance of the apparent low bidder, Northern Illinois Service Company, with a bid of $364,814.45. This is a multi fiscal year project. In addition to the funds included in the 2011-12 CIF budget, a portion of the project will also be included in the 2012-13 CIF budget. The improvements will be funded through transfers from the Motor Fuel Tax fund and/or the Utility Tax Fund. Construction is expected to begin by the end of November and should be completed by July of 2012.

Recommendation: Approve a Resolution for Improvement by Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code

Accept the bid from Northern Illinois Service Company in the amount of $364,814.45 subject to final concurrence of IDOT

Agenda Item #4 - Executive Search Services Proposal – General Manager Rochelle Municipal Utilities

References: Executive Search Services Proposal

Recommended Action: Consider a proposal from Mycoff, Fry & Prouse, LLC to conduct an executive search to recruit a General Manager for Rochelle Municipal Utilities

History and Fact: Rochelle Municipal Utilities (RMU) has been in operation since the late 1800's and currently provides electric, water, water reclamation and communication services to over 7,000 commercial and residential customers in the greater Rochelle region. The business operations of this multi-million dollar enterprise have been administered for many years by the RMU General Manager. Since May of this year, following the resignation of RMU General Manager Ed Carr, the position has remained vacant. The Administrative Committee of the City Council discussed this vacancy on October 3, 2011 along with a proposal for an executive search to fill the position. The consensus of the committee was to discuss the RMU General Manager vacancy and the associated proposal with the full council.

Discussion: The future of RMU, under the direction of the General Manager, is extremely important to both the community as a whole and the City of Rochelle's overall financial position. For this reason, an executive search proposal was requested from the firm of Mycoff, Fry & Prouse, a recognized leader in the recruitment of executives and management personnel in the utility industry. The firm has identified a scope of services to facilitate the selection of the RMU General Manager which includes: gathering information from RMU and the City, developing a position profile, conducting recruitment activities and interviewing candidates for a minimum fee of $39,000, plus expenses. Providing the Mayor and Council approve the proposal, City Staff will participate in interviews with the finalists as well as the final selection of the RMU General Manager. Although the cost for this search was not included in the 2011-12 budget, it should be offset by the fact that the position has remained vacant for several months.

Recommendation: Authorize the City Manager to sign the proposal from Mycoff, Fry & Prouse, LLC to conduct an executive search to recruit a General Manager for Rochelle Municipal Utilities

 Agenda Item #5 - Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Submit an EDA Application and Accept Award

References: default Fax from the Regional Director of the EDA

default Resolution

Recommended Action: Consider Resolution

History and Fact: The City of Rochelle submitted an application to the Economic Development Administration (EDA) earlier this year for assistance through the Public Works and Economic Development Program for the construction of rail, water and sewer improvements to serve Nippon Sharyo and Coated Sand Solutions. The total cost of the project included in the application is $6,860,000, of which $2,700,000 is being considered by the EDA for funding.

Discussion: On November 3, 2011 the City received a non-binding letter from the EDA which congratulates the City of Rochelle on the selection of the application for further consideration. In order for the EDA to proceed with processing the application they have requested, among other things, a resolution from the City Council "giving the Mayor the authority of an authorized representative to submit an application and to accept an award on behalf of the City of Rochelle." All requested information must be submitted to the EDA by November 30, 2011.

Recommendation: Approve a Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Submit an Application to the Economic Development Administration and Accept an Award on Behalf of the City of Rochelle

Agenda Item #6 - Extension of Letter of Credit – Squires Landing

References: default Memo from City Engineer Sam Tesreau

Recommended Action: Consider extension of letter of credit

History and Fact: A letter of credit, No. S2005-246 for $1,514,361.53, was submitted to the City of Rochelle by Squires Landing LLC to secure their obligations related to land improvements for Squires Landing Subdivision located along 20th Street. Since that time, due to the completion of the majority of the required improvements, the Mayor and City Council have approved various amendments to the letter of credit which have reduced the amount and extended the expiration date. The most recent letter of credit for $48,000 had an expiration date of October 31, 2011.

Discussion: To date the sidewalk and ramps within the public right of way and along the undeveloped lot frontages within the subdivision have not been completed. City staff members believe that the construction and connection of these sidewalks to the existing sidewalk network are important for continuity. This topic was discussed on October 3, 2011 by the Administrative Committee of the Council. The consensus of the committee was to either allow an extension of the letter of credit or to draw on the letter of credit and complete the improvements. Springcreek Development Group has responded by amending the expiration date of the letter of credit to October 31, 2012 in order to complete the remaining land improvements. This financial instrument will provide the City with the assurance that the public improvements will either be completed by the Developer or by the City via the letter of credit.

Recommendation: Approve an extension of the letter of credit until October 31, 2012