City Council Agenda May 9, 2011



  • Pledge to the Flag
  • Prayer




  • Mayor - Appointment of Lynette Fischer to Police and Fire Pension Boards for a Term to Expier May 1, 2013
  • Council Members




a) default Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting - April 25, 2011

b) Approve Bills 04/15/11-04/21/11, 04/22/11-04/28/11

c) default Approve Payroll 04/04/11-04/14/11

d) default Accept and Place on File Ogle County Election Results - April 5, 2011

e) default Accept and Place on File State of Illinois Decennial 2010 Census Results of 9,574

f) default Accept and Place on File Rochelle Tourism and Visitors Association Budget 2011/2012

g) Reappoint Bruce McKinney to the Office of City Clerk for a Term to Expire April 30, 2015

h) Reappoint Chris Frye to the Office of City Treasurer for a Term to Expire April 30, 2015

i) Reappoint Chris Frye as the Treasurer for the Police and Fire Pension Boards for a Term to Expire April 30, 2015

j) default Authorize VFW Memorial Day Parade – May 30, 2011

2) Resolution Opposing Reduction of State Collected Revenues Due Municipalities

3) Void Development Agreement between the City and GPLH, L.L.C.

4) Lot Coverage Variance Request – 221 Willis Avenue

5) Ogle County Multi Jurisdictional All Hazards Mitigation Plan

6) Billboard Lease Assignments between the City and Prologis Land L.L.C.





Agenda Item #2 - Resolution Opposing Reduction of State Collected Revenues Due Municipalities


default default Attached Resolution Opposing Reduction of State Collected Revenues Due Municipalities

Recommended Action:

Consider Resolution Opposing Reduction of State Collected Revenues Due Municipalities

History and Fact:

The State of Illinois Legislature and Governor are considering further reductions to municipal revenues due to the state budget deficit. One proposal under consideration would take an additional $300 million of State-collected income tax from cities and counties.


This proposed reduction would equate to a loss of $220,521.60 for the City of Rochelle. This is 2.7% of the anticipated general fund for next year. Municipalities throughout the state count on revenues received through the State income tax, along with property tax, sales tax, and user fees, to fund critical services to our communities. Upon approval of this resolution a certified copy will be mailed to Governor Quinn as well as our State Senators and Representatives.


Approve Resolution Opposing Reduction of State Collected Revenues Due Municipalities

Agenda Item #3 - Void Development Agreement between the City and GPLH, LLC


Development Agreement between the City and GPLH, LLC Approved October 25, 2010

Recommended Action:

Consider voiding Development Agreement between the City and GPLH,LLC

History and Fact:

On October 25, 2010, the City Council approved a Development Agreement between the City and GPLH, LLC related to the E-Rail Project to be located on the Black Earth Property. The agreement provided, in Sections 20 and 21, that if Black Earth did not close in its sale of the land to Nippon Sharyo by January 31, 2011, the City could declare the contract void.


That contingency, of course, did not occur. In order to tie up loose ends, management believes that the City Council should formally declare the agreement void, under the provisions of Sections 20 and 21 of the Development Agreement.


Declare the Development Agreement between the City and GPLH, LLC, which was approved on October 25, 2010, to be void, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 20 and 21 of the Agreement


Agenda Item #4 - Lot Coverage Variance Request – 221 Willis Avenue


default Attached Memo and Attachments from Chris Limas, Community Development Director

default default Attached Ordinance Approving a Variance for Property Located at 221 Willis Avenue

Recommended Action:

Consider an Ordinance Approving a Variance at 221 Willis Avenue

History and Fact:

The City has received a request from Ramon Lopez for a lot coverage variance at 221 Willis Avenue. The petitioner has requested a variance to the minimum lot and yard area requirements in Chapter 110, Section 321 which state that "no more than one-third of a single-family lot can be covered with structures or paved areas." The applicant would like to maintain a 17.5' x 10.8' concrete pad, which has been constructed out of concrete blocks without obtaining a building permit, to accommodate the parking of a trailer. The addition of this paved surface equates to total lot coverage of 41.3% instead of the allowable 33%.


At the May 2, 2011 meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission the variance request was considered. The commission voted 5-0, to recommend denial of a lot coverage variance as requested at 221 Willis Avenue. The Planning and Zoning Commission supports the standards contained in Chapter 110 of the Rochelle Municipal Code unless a genuine hardship exists.


Deny an Ordinance Approving a Variance for Property Located at 221 Willis Avenue


Agenda Item #5 - Ogle County Multi Jurisdictional All Hazards Mitigation Plan


default Attached Memo from Sam Tesreau, City Engineer

default Attached Resolution Adopting All Hazards Mitigation Plan

Recommended Action:

Consider Resolution Adopting Ogle County Multi Jurisdictional All Hazards Mitigation Plan

History and Fact:

The Ogle County Emergency Management Agency (OCEMA) approached City staff in 2009 about being a member of the Ogle County Multi Jurisdictional All Hazards Mitigation Plan Committee. The plan, developed with the assistance of Johnson, Depp and Quisenberry, evaluates potential damage to life and property from natural and manmade hazards in Ogle County. It also identifies projects and activities that can reduce these damages. The plan was developed to fulfill federal planning requirements and can assist with funding following declared disasters, funding for mitigation projects and activities before disasters occur and will increase the awareness of natural and manmade hazards.


City staff has participated in various committee meetings and have developed some potential mitigation projects for our community as part of the plan. Participating municipalities are required to approve a resolution adopting the plan, once approved by FEMA, and to participate in updates of the plan. This plan provides a mechanism for applying for potential funding from IEMA/FEMA for certain eligible and approved mitigation projects and activities. The City is not obligated to proceed with any of the mitigation projects.


Approve a Resolution Adopting Ogle County Multi Jurisdictional All Hazards Mitigation Plan


Agenda Item #6 - Billboard Lease Assignments between the City and Prologis Land L.L.C.


default default default Attached Lease Assignment #01482.909537

default default default Attached Lease Assignment #01482.909538

Recommended Action:

Consider Billboard Lease Assignments between the City and Prologis

History and Fact:

To facilitate the Nippon Sharyo Project, Prologis dedicated a strip of land along the north boundary of their property to the City for railroad right-of-way. There are two billboards located on the right-of-way, which are owned by CBS Outdoor. CBS leases the land for the billboards from Prologis.


Prologis is in the process of assigning these leases to the City, with the consent of CBS. As a result the City will be entitled to approximately $8,500 of rental income annually from the signs. The lease payments are due each year on May 1st, and CBS is holding the May 1, 2011, payments pending approval of the lease assignments. Both CBS and Prologis have signed the lease assignments and they have been mailed to Attorney Cooper. Once the City approves and signs the assignments, the 2011 lease payments will be released to the City.


Approve Billboard Lease Assignments between the City and Prologis Land L.L.C.