City of Rochelle Council Chambers
420 North 6th Street, Rochelle, IL 61068
- Pledge to the Flag
- Prayer
- Mayor
- Council Members
- default Financial Statements - April 2011
a) default Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – May 9, 2011
b) Approve Bills 04/29/11-05/05/11, , 05/06/11-05/12/11
c) default Approve Payroll 04/18/11-05/01/11
e) default Amend Guidelines for Sending Flowers at Time of Bereavement or Hospitalization
2) Lot Coverage Variance Request – 221 Willis Avenue
3) Ordinance Amending Municipal Code – Resident Only Parking North Second Street
4) Resolution Establishing a City of Rochelle Identity Protection Policy
6) Ordinance Approving Purchase Agreement (City Railroad–Approximately 1.49 Acres)
1) Amended Lease Agreement between the City and Sky Team, Inc.
Agenda Item #2 - Lot Coverage Variance Request – 221 Willis Avenue
default Attached Memo from Chris Limas, Community Development Director
default Attached Ordinance Approving a Variance for Property Located at 221 Willis Avenue
Recommended Action:
Consider an Ordinance Approving a Variance at 221 Willis Avenue
History and Fact:
The City has received a request from Ramon Lopez for a lot coverage variance at 221 Willis Avenue. The petitioner has requested a variance to the minimum lot and yard area requirements in the Municipal Code in order to maintain a 17.5' x 10.8' concrete pad, used for trailer parking. The addition of this paved surface equates to total lot coverage of 41.3% instead of the allowable 33%. At the May 2, 2011 Planning and Zoning Meeting the commission voted 5-0 to recommend denial of the variance.
The Mayor and Council considered this request at the May 9, 2011 City Council Meeting. Following some discussion, and input from the applicant, the council postponed action until May 23, 2011. In the meantime, the Building Department was instructed to explore other options at the site. After a review of the lot layout, staff has concluded that the only place to park the trailer without a variance is on the existing driveway.
Deny an Ordinance Approving a Variance for Property Located at 221 Willis Avenue
Agenda Item #3 - Ordinance Amending Municipal Code – Resident-Only Parking Second Street
Attached Memo from Don Elliott, Superintendent of Streets, Cemetery, & Airport
default default Consider an ordinance amending the municipal code to add resident-only parking on sections of North
Recommended Action:
Consider an ordinance amending the municipal code to add resident-only parking on sections of North Second Street.
History and Fact:
Over the past several years, residents on North 2nd Street, near May School, have raised concerns related to parking in their neighborhood. Their concerns stem from the added congestion during peak grade school loading and unloading times and parents dropping off and picking up their children. During these times residents are often unable to get in or out of their drives or park near their homes. In addition, students often cross the street between parked cars, resulting in a safety concern.
City staff members met with Superintendent Todd Prusator and May School Principal Barb Cantlin to discuss these concerns. School officials support installing signs and enforcing resident only parking in this area. In addition, May School will communicate these changes to parents in a mailing prior to the start of school in the fall. Upon approval of this ordinance, "Resident-Only Parking" signs will be installed on the west side of 2nd Street from 10th Avenue to 100' north of School Avenue and on the east side from School Avenue extending 100' north. The addition of this signage will facilitate enforcement by the Rochelle Police Department.
Approve an ordinance amending Chapter 94 of the Municipal Code to add 2nd Street west side from 10th Avenue to 100' north of School Avenue and 2nd Street east side from School Avenue extending 100' north to Resident-Only Parking Zones.
Agenda Item #4 - Establishing a City of Rochelle Identity Protection Policy
default Attached Memo from Bruce McKinney, City Clerk
default Attached Resolution Establishing a City of Rochelle Identity Protection Policy
Recommended Action:
Consider Resolution Establishing a City of Rochelle Identity Protection Policy
History and Fact:
The Identity Protection Act 5 ILCS 179/1 went into effect on June 1, 2010. The Act requires local government agencies to draft, approve and implement an Identity Protection Policy by June 1, 2011to ensure the confidentially of Social Security numbers that are collected and maintained. The proposed policy outlines the prohibited use of Social Security numbers, as defined by the Act, and circumstances when the prohibitions do not apply. In addition, the policy requires City employees to redact social security numbers from information or documents being supplied pursuant to Freedom of Information Act requests.
Once approved, a copy of the Identity Protections Policy will be provided to all current and future City employees. All employees will be required to acknowledge receipt of the policy and the acknowledgement will be maintained in each employee's personnel file. A plan is currently being developed to provide training, evaluate current processes and make changes as required by this policy.
Approve a Resolution Establishing a City of Rochelle Identity Protection Policy
Agenda Item #5 - Resolution Amending Resolution R09-23 Authorizing Addition of Jack Dame Road, Intermodal Drive and Brush Grove Road to the Federal Highway System and Change a Portion of 1st Avenue to a Municipal Street Designation
default Attached Memo from Sam Tesreau, City Engineer
default Attached Resolution Amending Resolution R09-23
Recommended Action:
Consider a Resolution Amending Resolution R09-23
History and Fact:
On September 14, 2009 the Mayor and Council approved a Resolution Authorizing the Addition of Jack Dame Road, Intermodal Drive and Brush Grove Road to the Federal Highway System. Now that Jack Dame Road has been completed, the Federal Aid Routes and/or Municipal Streets for the official State/City of Rochelle 5 year functional classification map will need to be updated.
The Federal Aid Route designation will remain the same for Jack Dame Road but the description limits will be modified to extend to Illinois Route 38. In addition, 1st Avenue from the westerly end near 12th Street and extending to 7th Street (Route 251) will become a local urban municipal street. In order for routes within our corporate limits to be part of the City of Rochelle's Federal Highway System it is necessary for the Mayor and City Council to pass a resolution requesting the additions.
Approve a Resolution Amending Resolution R09-23 Authorizing Addition of Jack Dame Road, Intermodal Drive and Brush Grove Road to the Federal Highway System and Change a Portion of 1st Avenue to a Municipal Street Designation
Agenda Item #6 - Ordinance Approving Purchase Agreement (City Railroad – Approximately 1.49 Acres)
default Attached Memo from Jason Anderson, Economic Development Director
default default Attached Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement
default default default Attached Ordinance Approving Purchase Agreement (City Railroad – Approx. 1.49 Acres)
Recommended Action:
Consider an Ordinance Approving Purchase Agreement for 1.49 acres to extend the City Industrial Rail
History and Fact:
The City has been approved for a $5M grant from the Bureau of Railroads for rail improvements in conjunction with the Nippon Sharyo Project. One of the improvements planned will increase the rail car storage for the rail cars that are staged on the City Industrial Rail from the Union Pacific Railroad. Currently there are only two storage tracks, approximately 600 ft in length, serving as storage for UP inbound and outbound railcars.
The plan is to extend the two existing storage tracks by approximately 2,000 ft and add one more storage track of approximately the same length. In order to do so the City will need to purchase an additional 1.49 acres of land for the rail expansion. The offered price for the land is $15,000 per acre or $22,350 for the entire 1.49 acre parcel. The 2011-12 City Industrial Rail Budget includes funds budgeted for the purchase. All of the improvements required to extend the rail yard will be covered through the grant from the Bureau of Railroads.
Authorize an Ordinance Approving Purchase Agreement between the City and Chicago Title and Land Trust Company for approximately 1.49 acres to extend the City Industrial Rail
Discussion Item #1 - Amended Lease Agreement between the City and Sky Team, Inc.
On March 21, 2011, the City Council approved a Land Lease Agreement between the City and Sky Team, Inc., for seven (7) acres at the Rochelle Municipal Airport, to be used for a skydiving business, and the lease was signed by the City and Sky Team the next day. The lease contemplated the construction of a building as a permanent improvement to the real estate, and also temporary structures for operation during 2011. Sky Team has been open for business at the airport since the lease was signed. The lease was for 20 years, with two (2) additional 10-year renewal options.
Sky Team has requested that the lease be modified in certain respects, in order to facilitate the financing of the building construction, estimated at approximately $1.5 million. Sky Team's attorney has forwarded a draft of the proposed modifications. City Attorney Cooper has reviewed the proposed modifications, and believes them, in general, to be reasonable. The original lease provided that Sky Team would have the right to use its leasehold interest as collateral for a loan to be used for constructing the building. The proposed modifications include specific protections for the lender under such a leasehold mortgage, including a right to notice in the event of Sky Team's default under the lease, and the right to cure any such default, and to step into the shoes of Sky Team as the tenant.
The City Attorney and Sky Team's attorney are continuing to discuss the specific language of the modifications, but it is anticipated that a proposed amended land lease agreement will be presented to the City Council for action at the first meeting in June.
The City Manager and City Attorney will discuss the proposed modifications and respond to questions from the Mayor and City Council.