City of Rochelle Council Chambers
420 North 6th Street, Rochelle, IL 61068
- Pledge to the Flag
- Prayer
- IMEA Scholarship Presentation to Anna O'Malley
- Presentation by Former City Manager, Joe Salitros
- Mayor
- Council Members
- Employee Introductions - default Scott Rozanas , default Sonny Streit , default Jesse Jones
- a)Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – default May 23, 2011
- b) Accept and Place on File Minutes of Planning & Zoning Commission - default May 2, 2011
- c) Approve Bills 05/13/11-05/19/11, 05/20/11-05/26/11
- d) Approve Payroll default 05/02/11-05/15/11 , default 05/16/11-05/29/11
- e) default Approve Ordinance Establishing Prevailing Wage Rates
- f) default Authorize the Rochelle United Methodist Church to Use the Main Street Gazebo - July 9, 2011
- g) default Accept and Place on File Annual Treasurers Report - Rochelle Police Pension
- h) Appointment of David S. Plyman to the office of City Manager
2) Second Amendment to Annexation Agreement Prologis Park (Public Hearing and Action)
3) Purchase of Two Trucks – RMU Water and Water Reclamation Divisions
4) Purchase of Tractor and Mower Attachments – Street Department
5) Ordinance Amending Municipal Code – Stop Signs Ave B and South 12th Street
6) Amended and Restated Land Lease Agreement between the City and Sky Team, Inc.
7) Preliminary and Final Plat - Prologis Park Rochelle Unit Three
8) Permitted Facilities Agreement between the City and BP – Spur Track Crossing Pipeline
9) Incentive Options to Occupy the Former WalMart Facility
Agenda Item #2 - Second Amendment to Annexation Agreement Prologis Park (Public Hearing and Action)
default Attached Memo from Chris Limas, Community Development Director
default Attached Map of Billboard Locations
default Attached Second Amendment to Annexation Agreement
default Attached Ordinance Approving Second Amendment of Annexation Agreement (Prologis Park)
Recommended Action:
Conduct the Public Hearing
Consider Ordinance Approving Second Amendment of Annexation Agreement (Prologis Park)
History and Fact:
On May 9, 2011 the Mayor and Council approved the assignment of two billboard lease agreements between Prologis and CBS Outdoor Signs to the City of Rochelle. These signs were constructed on the south side of I-88 prior to annexation and development of the industrial park and have been located in this area for more than 25 years.
Discussion: To facilitate the construction of the Nippon Sharyo plant in Rochelle, Prologis was required to dedicate a 50 foot right-of-way to extend the City Industrial Rail along the edge of I-88. The CBS Outdoor signs are located inside the 50 foot right of way. Prologis is willing to give the City an easement to relocate the signs from their current locations. CBS Outdoor will move one of the signs at no expense to the City in the near future to accommodate the planned rail construction. The proposed Amendment to the Annexation Agreement will allow the signs to be moved to the new locations since they are non-conforming per our sign ordinance. Staff has reviewed the plan and recommends approval of the Amendment to the Annexation Agreement to allow the easement and relocation of the CBS Outdoor signs.
Conduct the Required Public Hearing
Agenda Item #3 - Purchase of Two Trucks – RMU Water and Water Reclamation Divisions
default Attached Memo from Kathy Cooper, Superintendent of Water/Water Reclamation
Recommended Action:
Consider bids for the purchase of two trucks for the Water/Water Reclamation Division of RMU
History and Fact:
The 2011-12 RMU Water Capital Budget includes $22,500 for the purchase of a three-quarter ton truck to replace an existing 2001, one ton truck in the Water Division. The 2011-12 RMU Water Reclamation Capital Budget also includes $45,000 for the purchase of a one ton truck to replace an existing 2000, one ton service truck. The one ton truck will be shared by both divisions and specifications include equipping the truck with a crane to be used for pulling pumps at lift stations, lifting hydrants, and moving other heavy equipment.
Subsequent to the required public notice, bids were opened on May 26, 2011 with two dealers submitting the following bids for the trucks as specified: Prescott Brothers Ford $59,299.40 and Sawicki Motors $58,720. These bids also take into consideration the trade-in value of the existing trucks as a credit. Superintendent of Water/Water Reclamation Kathy Cooper has reviewed the bids and recommends the acceptance of the apparent low bidder, Sawicki Motors, with a bid of $58,720 for a Chevy 2500 HD and a Chevy 3500 HD with a utility body and crane.
Approve the bid from Sawicki Motors for a total of $58,720
Agenda Item #4 - Purchase of Tractor and Mower Attachments – Street Department
default Attached Memo from Don Elliott, Superintendent of Streets, Cemetery & Airport
Recommended Action:
Consider bids for the purchase of a utility tractor and two mower attachments for the Street Department.
History and Fact:
The 2011-12 General Fund Capital Budget includes $67,000 for the purchase of a utility tractor and two mower attachments for the Street Department. The addition of this equipment is necessary to maintain the increased amount of right-of-way along roads, in the Technology Park and at the airport which requires mowing.
Subsequent to the required public notice, bids for a utility tractor and mower attachments were opened on May 19, 2011, with one dealer submitting a bid. Superintendent of Streets Don Elliott has reviewed the bids and recommends the acceptance of the apparent low bidder, Johnson Tractor, with a bid of $66,200 for a new Kubota M7040 Utility Tractor, Woods BW180HB (batwing) Mower and Diamond River HD 2060 Boom Mower. The Street Department has had positive experiences with other Kubota products.
Approve the bid from Johnson Tractor for a total of $66,200.
Agenda Item #5 - Ordinance Amending Municipal Code – Stop Signs Avenue B and South 12th Street
default Attached Memo from Don Elliott, Superintendent of Streets, Cemetery & Airport
default Attached Ordinance Amending Chapter 94 of the Municipal Code to Change the Yield Intersection to a default Stop Intersection for East/West Traffic on Avenue B at South 12th Street.
Recommended Action:
Consider an ordinance amending the municipal code to change the yield intersection to a stop intersection for east/west traffic on Avenue B at South 12th Street.
History and Fact:
Since the completion of Jack Dame Road, which includes a local access point on Avenue B, traffic volumes on Avenue B have increased. Residents in the neighborhood have expressed concern over the increased traffic and the possible safety risk associated with the existing yield signs for east/west traffic at the intersection of Avenue B and South 12th Street.
At the City's request, Fehr-Graham and Associates completed an engineering study and have confirmed that the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Device (MUTCD) requirements have been met to justify a change in the traffic control at this intersection. Based on this information, City staff members recommend changing the intersection at Avenue B and South 12th Street from yield to stop for east/west traffic. Upon approval of this ordinance, the yield signs will be replaced with stop signs to improve the traffic control and provide enforcement opportunities.
Approve an ordinance amending Chapter 94 of the Municipal Code to change the yield intersection to a stop intersection for east/west traffic on Avenue B at South 12th Street.
Agenda Item #6 - Amended and Restated Land Lease Agreement between the City and Sky Team, Inc.
default Attached Amended and Restated Land Lease Agreement
Recommended Action:
Consider an Amended and Restated Land Lease Agreement between the City and Sky Team, Inc.
History and Fact:
On March 21, 2011 the Mayor and Council approved a Land Lease Agreement between the City and Sky Team, Inc. for seven acres at the Rochelle Municipal Airport to be used for a skydiving business. Included in the Land Lease Agreement are provisions for the lessee to construct, at their cost, an aviation hanger, office buildings and other facilities related to the skydiving business. The lease is for 20 years with two additional 10 year renewal options.
As discussed at the May 23, 2011 City Council Meeting, Sky Team has requested that the lease be modified in order to facilitate the financing of the building construction. The original lease provided that Sky Team would have the right to use its leasehold interest as collateral for a loan to construct the building. The proposed modifications include specific protections for the lender under a leasehold mortgage including notice requirements and the ability to step into the tenant's shoes in the event the tenant defaults under the lease. The new provisions are found in paragraph 16, Leasehold Mortgage, which is entirely new to the agreement. Without these provisions, the tenant would not be able to obtain a leasehold mortgage to finance construction of the improvements required under the lease. City Attorney Alan Cooper has reviewed the proposed modifications and finds them to be reasonable.
Approve an Amended Land Lease Agreement between the City and Sky Team, Inc.
Agenda Item #7 - Preliminary and Final Plat – Prologis Park Rochelle Unit Three
default Attached Memo and Attachments from Chris Limas, Community Development Director
default Attached Prologis Park Rochelle Unit Three Preliminary Plat
default Attached Prologis Park Rochelle Unit Three Final Plat
default Attached Ordinance Approving Preliminary and Final Plat of Subdivision for Prologis Park Rochelle Un default it Three
Recommended Action:
Consider Preliminary and Final Plat for Prologis Park Rochelle Unit Three
History and Fact:
The petitioner, ProLogis, has requested the approval of a Preliminary and Final Plat of Subdivision for Prologis Park Rochelle Unit Three which is located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Caron and Steward Roads. Prologis Park Rochelle Unit Three is a resubdivision of Logisticenter Unit One which was approved in 2004 when the property was owned by DP Partners.
The Prologis Park Rochelle Unit Three subdivision includes a one lot subdivision, containing the existing DP Partners building which is occupied by Clark Steel, Del Monte and Bay Valley Foods, with right-of-way dedication for the City Rail and other drainage easements. Outlots A and B contain the existing stormwater management facilities for Prologis Park Rochelle Unit Two and the proposed Unit Three. All utilities have been installed and there are no new streets or access drives proposed. On June 6, 2011 the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the petition for the preliminary and final plat and voted to recommend approval by a vote of 7-0.
Authorize an Ordinance Approving the Preliminary and Final Plat of Subdivision for Prologis Park Rochelle Unit Three.
Agenda Item #8 - Permitted Facilities Agreement between the City and BP – Spur Track Crossing Pipeline
default Permitted Facilities Agreement between the City and BP
Recommended Action:
Consider Permitted Facilities Agreement between the City and BP
History and Fact:
BP Products North America has constructed a pipeline facility on an existing 50 foot wide easement strip located on Prologis property. The pipeline runs generally north and south approximately 2,100 feet east of Caron Road. An extension to the City Rail will need to be constructed in this area, crossing the BP pipeline, in order to serve the Nippon Sharyo facility.
To facilitate the crossing, BP Products has provided the City with a Permitted Facilities Agreement. According to City Attorney Alan Cooper, the agreement provides reasonable protection to the pipeline facilities. Modifications proposed by Attorney Cooper have been incorporated into the document.
Authorize the City Manager to Sign the Permitted Facilities Agreement between the City of Rochelle and BP Products North America Inc.
Agenda Item #9 - Incentive Options to Occupy the Former WalMart Facility
default Attached Memo from Chris Limas, Community Development Director
default Attached Incentive Options to Occupy the Former WalMart Facility
Recommended Action:
Consider Supporting Incentive Options to Occupy the Former WalMart Facility
History and Fact:
The Rochelle Area Chamber of Commerce and Business Development organization has been diligently working to promote the redevelopment of the existing WalMart site once it is vacated in August or September of 2011. The redevelopment of this site is extremely important both in anchoring the Route 251 commercial corridor and maintaining a thriving northern gateway to the community.
Three prospects are currently considering this location for the establishment of retail/commercial businesses. In order to spur the redevelopment of this site, a broad group of incentive options are being proposed. Potential incentives include real estate tax abatements, sales tax rebates, and the waiving and/or reduction of specific City fees. The intent is to provide incentives which set Rochelle apart from the competition to ensure the success of redeveloping this essential site. Incentives included in the final package will be based on expected sales tax, jobs, and anticipated EAV and will be approved by the City Council through a development agreement. Chamber Executive Director Peggy Friday will provide additional information on the proposed incentives and respond to questions from the Mayor and Council.
Support Incentive Options to Occupy the Former WalMart Facility