City of Rochelle Council Chambers
420 North 6th Street, Rochelle, IL 61068
- Pledge to the Flag
- Prayer
- Mayor - Appointment of Jim Black to the Utility Advisory Board
- Council Members
- default Financial Statements June 2011
a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – default July 11, 2011
b) Approve Bills default 06/24/11-06/30/11 , default 07/01/11-07/07/11 , default 07/08/11-07/14/11
c) Approve Payroll default 06/27/11-07/10/11
d) default Authorize the Use of City Sidewalks for Lincoln Highway Buy Way Event - August 4-6,2011
e) default Approve Lincoln Highway Heritage Festival Request - Bags Tournament August 20, 2011
2) Purchase of Pickup Truck -- RMU Electric Operations
3) Purchase of Sport Utility Vehicle – RMU Electric Operations
4) Purchase of Fork Lift – RMU Electric Operations
5) Request from Metal Recyclers for Permission to Place Disposal Containers within the City
6) Five-Year Functional Classification and Federal Aid Systems Map for the Rochelle Urban Area
7) Purchase of Property for Public Use Along South 3rd Street and Avenue H
Agenda Item #2 - Purchase of Pickup Truck – RMU Electric Operations
default Attached Memo from Joe Orlikowski, Superintendent of Electric Operations
Recommended Action:
Consider bids for the purchase of pickup truck for Rochelle Municipal Utilities Electric Operations.
History and Fact:
The 2011-12 Electric Operations Capital Outlay Budget includes $30,000 for the purchase of a new pickup truck for the RMU Electric Operations Division. The pickup will replace a 2003 Ford Ranger which is currently used by the meter readers.
Subsequent to the required public notice, the City Clerk opened the following four bids for a regular cab compact pickup truck on June 30, 2011: Bill Jacobs $15,945.86, Bob Ridings $13,249, Prescott Brothers $13,801.65 and Sawicki Motors $18,375. Superintendent of Electric Operations Joe Orlikowski has reviewed the bids and recommends acceptance of the Prescott Brothers Ford bid of $13,801.65 for a 2011 Ford Ranger. The recommended bid is $552.65 above the apparent low bid but allows the purchase to be made within the City. The 2003 Ford Ranger vehicle will be transferred to the Communications Division.
Accept the bid for a pickup truck from Prescott Brothers Ford for $13,801.65 and reject all other bids.
Agenda Item #3 - Purchase of Sport Utility Vehicle – RMU Electric Operations
default Attached Memo from Joe Orlikowski, Superintendent of Electric Operations
Recommended Action:
Consider bids for the purchase of a sport utility vehicle for Rochelle Municipal Utilities Electric Operations.
History and Fact:
The 2011-12 Electric Operations Capital Outlay Budget includes $30,000 for the purchase of a new sport utility vehicle (SUV) for RMU Electric Operations. The SUV will replace a 2002 Chevy Blazer.
Subsequent to the required public notice, the City Clerk opened the following four bids for a new SUV on June 30, 2011: Bill Jacobs $29,951, Bob Ridings $30,275, Prescott Brothers $32,690.12 and Sawicki Motors $34,922. Superintendent of Electric Operations Joe Orlikowski has reviewed the bids and recommends acceptance of the apparent low bid from Bill Jacobs of $29,951 for a 2012 Chevy Tahoe. The 2002 Chevy Blazer will be transferred to the Communications Division.
Accept the bid for a sport utility vehicle from Bill Jacobs for a total of $29,951 and reject all other bids.
Agenda Item #4 - Purchase of Fork Lift – RMU Electric Operations
default Attached Memo from Joe Orlikowski, Superintendent of Electric Operations
Recommended Action:
Consider bids for the purchase of a fork lift for Rochelle Municipal Utilities Electric Operations.
History and Fact:
The 2011-12 Electric Operations Capital Outlay Budget includes $30,000 for the purchase of a new fork lift for the RMU Transmission and Distribution Division. The fork lift will replace a 1969 International fork lift which is difficult to repair due to the lack of available parts and would be costly to upgrade to current safety standards.
Subsequent to the required public notice, the City Clerk opened the following three bids on July 7, 2011 for a new class five fork lift: Equipment Depot $22,997.76, Fitzgerald Equipment $28,366 and Rockford Industrial Equipment $23,499. Superintendent of Electric Operations Joe Orlikowski has reviewed the bids and recommends acceptance of the apparent low bid from Equipment Depot of $22,997.76 for a Nissan fork lift. The 1969 fork lift will be sold at a future auction of surplus City equipment.
Accept the bid for a fork lift from Equipment Depot for a total of $22,997.76 and reject all other bids.
Agenda Item #5 - Request from Metal Recyclers for Permission to Place Disposal Containers within the City
default Attached Letter from Metal Recyclers
default Attached Memorandum from Alan Cooper, City Attorney
Recommended Action:
Consider a request from Metal Recyclers
History and Fact:
The owners of Metal Recyclers have submitted a letter requesting permission "to set containers within the City limits to collect construction waste and other needs that require a large tub container." Metal Recyclers is located at 8th Avenue and 20th Street and provides recycling and container services to residents and businesses in the surrounding communities.
City Attorney Alan Cooper reviewed the request from Metal Recyclers, the existing Waste Collection Agreement between the City and Rochelle Disposal Services, Inc. (RDI) and the applicable state statutes and City Code provisions and provided the following conclusion:
The City does not have the power to grant exclusive collection rights to RDI for the collection of "waste from building operations or solid wastes resulting from industrial processes and manufacturing operations".The RDI Agreement would prohibit the City Council from giving Metal Recyclers permission to collect solid waste (not including recyclables) within the City, except as noted above.The RDI Agreement would prohibit the City Council from giving Metal Recyclers permission to engage in curbside pickup of residential recyclables, but would not prohibit the City Council from giving them permission to contract with residents, industries, businesses or institutions for disposition of recyclable in any other manner.
Consider a request from Metal Recyclers for permission to place disposal containers within the City limits.
Agenda Item #6 - Five-Year Functional Classification and Federal Aid Systems Map for the Rochelle Urban Area
default Attached Memo from Sam Tesreau, City Engineer
default Attached Five-Year Functional Classification and Federal Aid Systems Map
default Attached Summary of Functional Classification Ogle County
default Attached Approval Form
Recommended Action:
Consider Authorizing Approval of the Five-Year Functional Classification and Federal-Aid Systems Map for the Rochelle Urban Area
History and Fact:
Urban area boundaries establish the limits for municipal areas within which Federal funds may be used for improvement projects. These boundaries are to be determined by State and Local officials and are subject to approval by the Federal Highway Administration. City staff members have been working with IDOT representatives for the past couple of years to update the Urban Area/Functional Classification boundary map consistent with the jurisdictional planning area contained in the City of Rochelle Comprehensive Plan.
On May 23, 2011 the Mayor and Council approved a resolution which added Jack Dame Road, Intermodal Drive and Brush Grove Road to the Federal Highway System and changed the designation of 1st Avenue. These modifications have been incorporated into the proposed map which expands the Rochelle Urban Area. The designation of certain streets and/or routes within the Rochelle Urban Area as part of the Federal Highway System will enable the City to pursue federal funding through IDOT for future improvements.
Approve the Five-Year Functional Classification and Federal-Aid systems Map for the Rochelle Urban Area and Authorize Mayor Olson to Sign the Approval Form.
Agenda Item #7 - Purchase of Property for Public Use Along South 3rd Street and Avenue H
default Attached Memo from Sam Tesreau, City Engineer
default Attached Ordinance Authorizing the Purchase of Property
Recommended Action:
Consider Ordinance Authorizing the Purchase of Property along South 3rd Street and Avenue H.
History and Fact:
In 2005 City staff and council members identified areas in the southeast quadrant that require urbanization improvements including curb and gutter, pavement, storm sewer, sidewalks and ramps. The City of Rochelle has since developed a 10 year infrastructure improvement plan which incorporates the southeast quadrant improvements. The 2011-12 Capital Improvements Fund Budget includes $197,000 identified for improvements on South 3rd Street from Avenue G to Avenue H and a portion of Avenue H from Main Street to 2nd Avenue.
In order to finalize plans that accommodate the infrastructure, the City needs to expand the existing right of way by acquiring a total of 1,200 square feet of property from three residents. The proposed ordinance will allow staff to move forward with the negotiation and acquisition of the three parcels at an estimated cost of $2,570. Once the acquisition of the properties is complete, the plans will be finalized and reviewed by the Illinois Department of Transportation with a goal of construction later this year.
Approve an Ordinance Authorizing the Purchase of Real Property for Public Use Along South 3rd Street and Avenue H.