City of Rochelle Council Chambers
420 North 6th Street, Rochelle, IL 61068
- Pledge to the Flag
- Prayer
- Mayor
- Council Members
- Veterans Memorial Project Update - Pal Colwill
a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting - Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting- default June 27, 2010 default
b) default Accept and Place on File Minutes of Airport Advisory Board Meeting - April 14, 2011
c) Approve Bills 06/17/11-06/23/11
d) Approve Payroll default 06/13/11-06/26/11
e) default Authorize the Annual Kiwanis Peanut Day at Designated Intersections-September 9, 2011
2) Amendment to Illinois River Energy Annexation Agreement Rider (Public Hearing and Action)
3) Ordinance Amending Municipal Code to Create One Restaurant/Recreation Liquor License
4) Purchase of Ambulance - Fire Department
1) Council Committees
Agenda Item #2 - Amendment to Illinois River Energy Annexation Agreement Rider (Public Hearing and Action)
default default Attached Amendment to Annexation Agreement
default Attached Ordinance Approving an Amendment to Rider to Annexation Agreement
Recommended Action:
Conduct the Public Hearing
Consider Ordinance Approving an Amendment to Rider of Annexation Agreement (Illinois River Energy)
History and Fact:
The Mayor and City Council approved an Annexation Agreement between the City and DP Industrial, LLC on July 14, 2003. The Annexation Agreement included a Rider governing the rights and obligations related to an 81.087 acre tract of land due to an anticipated real estate exchange between DP Industrial and Illinois River Energy. Illinois River Energy is now the owner of the property.
As discussed at the April 25, 2011 City Council Meeting, multiple industries are interested in locating facilities east of Illinois River Energy (IRE). In order to connect the City's existing lead track, a rail extension will need to be constructed across IRE property to Steward Road. An easement agreement has been drafted to facilitate this connection which includes the existing southernmost IRE rail and additional IRE property that the City could use to construct an additional rail. The proposed easement agreement is currently being reviewed by attorneys representing Ryder and IRE. In exchange for the necessary easements, the City will need to amend the existing annexation agreement rider to negate IRE's obligation to contribute to the southward expansion of the City rail. The execution of the Amendment to Rider to Annexation Agreement will be subject to an Easement/License Agreement for extension of the City railroad across the IRE property.
Conduct the Required Public Hearing
Authorize an Ordinance Approving an Amendment to Rider of Annexation Agreement (Illinois River Energy)
Agenda Item #3 - Ordinance Amending Municipal Code to Create One Restaurant/Recreation Liquor License
default Attached Ordinance Amendment
Recommended Action:
Consider an Ordinance Amending Municipal Code to Create One Restaurant/Recreation Liquor License
History and Fact:
The proprietor of Dance One Night Club has submitted a request for a restaurant/recreation liquor license. This business plans to locate at 640 South Seventh Street in Rochelle.
The Liquor Commissioner, Mayor Chet Olson, has reviewed the request and has no objection to the creation of an additional restaurant/recreation license. The City of Rochelle Municipal Code allows for a maximum of five restaurant/recreation licenses. Considering the addition of this license for Dance One Night Club, the total number of restaurant/recreation licenses issued in the City would be four.
Approve an Ordinance Amending Section 6-46 of the Municipal Code of the City of Rochelle to Create One Restaurant/Recreation Liquor License
Agenda Item #4 - Purchase of Ambulance - Fire Department
default Attached Memo from Fire Chief Brian Johnson
Recommended Action:
Consider bids for the purchase of an ambulance for the Fire Department.
History and Fact:
The 2011-12 Ambulance Fund Budget includes $158,000 for the purchase of a new ambulance for the Fire Department. The ambulance will replace a 1996 MedTec model which has high mileage and increasing repair issues.
Subsequent to the required public notice, the City opened one bid for a new ambulance on July 6, 2011. Fire Chief Brian Johnson has reviewed the bid from Foster Coach Sales and recommends acceptance of the bid of $157,878 minus a trade in allowance for the 1996 ambulance for a total of $150,378. The Fire Department currently utilizes this make and type of ambulance and has found them to be reliable vehicles.
Approve the bid from Foster Coach Sales for a total of $150,378.
Discussion Item #1 - Communication and Information Sharing Between City Council - City Manager - City Staff
The Mayor and City Council will discuss opportunities for enhancing the communication and information sharing between City Council, City Manager and City staff. The objective is to provide for the open and transparent exchange of information between all of the City stakeholders while respecting the confidential and proprietary nature of the information. Ideally, the communication mechanism will provide for the sharing of worthwhile information, avoid additional unnecessary meetings and uphold the City Manager's role of Chief Administrative officer. Options under consideration are the establishment of committees, council liaisons to staff, and council assignments for attendance at established meetings.
Discussion Item #2 - Code Modifications - Chapter 86 Subdivisions
Since early 2008, City staff members have been working on a project to modify several chapters of the Municipal Code of the City of Rochelle to ensure that regulations are clear, concise and support the vision of the community. Modifications to Chapter 22, developed as part of this project, were approved by Council in November of 2010. The Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed modifications to Chapter 86 at their meeting on June 7, 2010 and, following some minor revisions, voted to recommend approval on July 6, 2010 by a vote of 6-0. Following that vote, Chris Limas led a discussion on the proposed modifications at the July 12, 2010 City Council Meeting. Since that time additional changes have been made based on input from community stakeholders. The latest draft of Chapter 86 is now ready for council review and City staff is seeking input from the council as to how this review should be conducted.
default Red-lined Chapter 86 Subdivisions