City of Rochelle Council Chambers
420 North 6th Street, Rochelle, IL 61068
- Pledge to the Flag
- Prayer
- Mayor
- Council Members
a) Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting – July 25, 2011
b) Approve Bills 07/15/11-07/21/11, 07/22/11-07/28/11
c) Approve Payroll 07/11/11-07/24/11
d) Accept and Place on File Semi Annual Fire Department Report
e) Accept and Place on File Semi Annual Police Department Report
3) Annexation Agreement – True Grit (Public Hearing and Continuance)
4) Easement Agreement and Rail License between the City and Illinois River Energy
5) Special Use Permit to Allow Veterans' Memorial at 927 North 7th Street
6) Water Reclamation Plant Roof Project
7) Fiber Internet Access Rates
Agenda Item #2 - Third Amendment to Annexation Agreement Creekside Subdivision Unit 1 f/k/a Kings Crossing Subdivision (Public Hearing and Continuance)
Recommended Action:
Open the Public Hearing
Continue the Public Hearing
History and Fact:
On April 10, 2006 the Mayor and Council approved an annexation agreement between the City and Wyndham Foxford, LLC for the Kings Crossing Development, consisting of 493 acres north of Flagg Road. On May 5, 2011 Creekside Land Holdings, LLC purchased the remainder of the development and is a successor to the existing annexation agreement. Creekside Land Holdings would like to construct a 31 lot residential subdivision, identified as Creekside Subdivision Unit 1, on 19.4 acres of the property. To facilitate the residential development, City staff and the developer have agreed to amend the annexation agreement.
A notice of Public Hearing for August 8, 2011, on the proposed amendment to Creekside Subdivision Unit 1 f/k/a Kings Crossing annexation agreement, was published in the Rochelle News Leader. City staff and the developer are still in the process of finalizing modifications to the annexation agreement. Staff recommends that the public hearing be continued until a future date when the final agreement is available.
Open the Required Public Hearing
Continue the Public Hearing
Agenda Item #3 - Annexation Agreement – True Grit (Public Hearing and Continuance)
Recommended Action:
Open the Public Hearing
Continue the Public Hearing
History and Fact:
Project True Grit has petitioned the City of Rochelle for annexation and zoning of approximately 28 acres of land which is adjacent to Steward Road and east of Illinois River Energy in the southeast industrial area. They plan to construct a large, rail served, manufacturing/processing plant on the site.
A notice of Public Hearing for August 8, 2011 was published in the Rochelle News Leader related to the annexation agreement between the City of Rochelle and True Grit. City staff, Attorney Cooper, and True Grit representatives are still finalizing the terms of the annexation agreement. Staff recommends that the public hearing be continued until a future date when the final agreement is available for action. Economic Development Director Jason Anderson will provide an update on the project.
Open the Required Public Hearing
Continue the Public Hearing
Agenda Item #4 - Easement Agreement and Rail License between the City and Illinois River Energy
default Permanent Easement Agreement and Rail License
Recommended Action:
Consider Permanent Easement Agreement and Rail License between Illinois River Energy and the City of Rochelle
History and Fact:
On February 28, 2011 the Mayor and Council authorized the City Manager to file a petition with the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) for an extension of the City Lead Track across Steward Road near the Illinois River Energy (IRE) property. The ICC approval was received in June which will facilitate rail served development east of IRE. The City Council was advised at the April 25, 2011 City Council meeting that IRE was willing to convey an easement for the extension of the City Rail across their property to Steward Road in exchange for a release of their obligations to contribute to the cost of extending the rail south. On July 11, 2011 the Mayor and Council approved an Amendment to Rider to Annexation Agreement between the City and IRE which cancels IRE's obligation to contribute to the southward expansion subject to execution of an Easement/License Agreement across the IRE property.
The proposed Easement Agreement and License provides for the connection necessary to extend the City Lead Track to the east. IRE has agreed to grant the City a license for the exclusive use of the southernmost IRE track for $1.00 that will expire if the City abandons the use of the track or if the parties mutually agree to terminate the lease. The City will be responsible for maintenance, repair and/or replacement of the licensed track. In addition, IRE will grant an easement to allow for the construction of a second track, at the City's expense, parallel to the existing rail. The Easement Agreement and License and have been drafted to facilitate the City's expansion of the City Lead Track from its present terminus near the west boundary of the IRE property to the east boundary of the IRE property.
Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Permanent Easement Agreement and Rail License between Illinois River Energy and the City of Rochelle
Agenda Item #5 - Special Use Permit to Allow a Veterans' Memorial at 927 North 7th Street
default Memo from Chris Limas Community Development Director
Recommended Action:
Consider a Special Use Permit to Allow a Veteran's Memorial at 927 North 7th Street
History and Fact:
In 2002 the City of Rochelle purchased the property and structure located at 927 North Seventh Street. The structure was later demolished and the site cleared to improve visibility at the intersection of Highway 251 and 10th Avenue. Since that time the site has remained vacant. On September 13, 2010 the Mayor and Council approved a resolution supporting the efforts of a citizens group to investigate the feasibility of erecting a Veterans' Memorial on the property.
Following approval of the resolution, the citizens group applied for nonprofit status and has since incorporated as the Rochelle Veterans War Memorial Association. In addition the group has worked with City staff to develop a concept plan which includes the required sight distance easement and setbacks. On August 1, 2011 the Planning and Zoning Commission conducted a public hearing and subsequently voted 3-2 to recommend approval of the special use permit to allow construction of a Veterans' Memorial at 927 N 7th Street. Several aspects of the site plan were discussed during the public hearing including lighting, maintenance of the site, safety for visitors due to traffic on Illinois 251 and parking and alley access. The Commission stated that any lighting on the site should not impact the surrounding properties. It was also indicated that the Rochelle Veterans War Memorial Association would maintain the memorial if the City did not.
Authorize an Ordinance Granting a Special Use Pemit to Allow the Construction of a Veterans' Memorial at 927 North 7th Street
Agenda Item #6 - Water Reclamation Plant Roof Project
default Memo from Kathy Cooper Superintendent of Water/Water Reclamation
default Recommendation from Willett Hofmann
Recommended Action:
Consider bids for the replacement of roofs at the water reclamation plant.
History and Fact:
In June of 2011, during a rain event, a leak developed in the roof of the Blower Building which resulted in damage to some equipment. The roofs of the buildings at the plant are nineteen years old and three of them have developed leaks.
At the City's request, the original installer inspected the roofs at the Blower, Lab/Office and Chlorine Buildings and provided an estimate of $31,000 to repair the leaking roofs. The engineering firm of Willett-Hofmann was also contacted to inspect the roofs and provide a recommendation for repair or replacement based on their condition. The report from Willett-Hofmann indicates that all of the roofs show signs of wear and fatigue, and includes a recommendation to replace the roofs due to seams starting to separate, billowing parapets or splitting at roof curbs and penetrations. Subsequent to the required public notice, bids for replacement of all building roofs were opened on July 27, 2011 with six contractors submitting bids. Staff and our consultant, Alan Hulstedt of Willett-Hofmann, have reviewed the bids and determined that Distinctive Roofing is the low bidder for the base bid and the base bid minus the alternates. This project is not included in the 2011-12 Capital Outlay Budget for Water/Water Reclamation. However, Kathy Cooper recommends replacing the roofs on the Blower, Lab/Office and Chlorine Buildings at this time to prevent further damage to the equipment with funds available in the operating budget and the IEPA Replacement Fund. The remaining four roofs, identified as alternates #1-#4, will be included in future capital budgets.
Consider the base bid of $169,495, minus alternates #1-#4 from Distinctive Roofing for a total of $57,928 and reject all other bids.
Agenda Item #7 - Fiber Internet Access Rates
default Memo from Scott Koteski Superintendent of Advanced Communications
default Resolution Establishing City of Rochelle Fiber Internet Access Rates
Recommended Action:
Consider Approving Resolution Establishing Fiber Internet Access Rates
History and Fact:
In April of 2003 the Mayor and City Council approved a resolution establishing the existing rates for fiber internet access. In June of this year RMU Advanced Communications changed internet service providers, resulting in a savings of $58,000 per year for internet access. In addition to the savings, the bandwidth speeds increased from 45 Mb to 100 Mb.
Superintendent of Advanced Communications, Scott Koteski, recommends revising the rate structure in order to pass along the savings and be more competitive in the fiber internet access market. The proposed fiber internet access rate schedule reduces the available fiber packages from seven to four and significantly reduces the monthly cost for the three larger packages. The proposed rate schedule was presented at the July 27, 2011 Utility Advisory Board Meeting and the UAB unanimously recommended adoption of the rate schedule.
Approve Resolution Establishing City of Rochelle Fiber Internet Access Rates Effective with Billings Issued After August 9, 2011.