- Pledge to the Flag
- Prayer
- Mayor
- Council Members
- default Employee Introduction - John Beck
1) Consent Agenda By Omnibus Vote with Recommendations:
a) default Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting - March 28, 2011
b) Approve Bills 03/11/11-03-17/11, 03/18/11-03/24/11, 03/25/11-03/31/11
c) Approve Payroll default 03/07/11-03/20/11
d) Authorize the Use of City Hall for National Day of Prayer – default May 5, 2011
e) Authorize Rochelle Lions Club Tootsie Pop Fund Raiser – default May 8, 2011
2) Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways – Sealcoat Project
4) Lakeview Sewer Lining Project
5) Kelley Drive Water Main Replacement Project
6) Local Agency Agreement for Federal Participation Agreement–Jack Dame Road Overpass
7) Economic Development Program Agreements – Ritchie Road/Ritchie Court Improvements
8) Ordinance Abating the Taxes Levied for 2010 - Taxable General Obligation Bonds
1) 2011-2012 Budget Timeline
2) Jurisdictional Transfer – Steward Road
3) Liquor License Fees
4) Provision for Variances to Chapter 98 (Utilities) of the Rochelle Municipal Code
Agenda Item #2 - Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways – Sealcoat Bids
default Memo from Sam Tesreau, City Engineer
default Attached Map of Sealcoat Locations
default Attached Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways
default Attached Tabulation of Bids
Recommended Action:
Consider a Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways and Consider the Bid from AC Pavement Striping Co.
History and Fact:
A 10 year capital plan was developed several years ago to address maintenance requirements of existing infrastructure. As a result of that plan, numerous existing roadways have been identified for maintenance this year including sections of North Main Street, 8th Avenue and streets in the Askvig and Meadowbrook Subdivisions. Several streets and avenues in the southeast quadrant of the City, including South Main and Southview Drive, have also been incorporated into this year's plan. The application of a seal coat surface treatment is a cost effective way to maintain and preserve the life of these surfaces.
Subsequent to the required public notice, bids were opened on March 22, 2011, with three contractors submitting bids. City Engineer, Sam Tesreau reviewed the bids and recommends the acceptance of the apparent low bidder, AC Pavement Striping Co., with a bid of $229,571.44. The proposed 2011-12 Capital Improvements Fund budget includes $230,000 for sealcoat resurfacing of miscellaneous streets which will be funded through a transfer of Motor Fuel Tax funds.
Approve a Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways
Accept the bid from AC Pavement Striping Co. in the amount of $229,571.44
Agenda Item #3 - 2011 Sidewalk Project
default Attached Memo from Sam Tesreau, City Engineer
default Attached Bid Tabulation Sheet
default Attached Map of 2011 Sidewalk Locations
Recommended Action:
Consider the Bid from Bruns Construction in the Amount of $282,093.55.
History and Fact:
In March of 2006, the condition of existing sidewalks in the City were inspected and rated by Street Department personnel. The sidewalks were then organized into a seven year maintenance program based on their condition. The 2011 Sidewalk Project, year six of the program, includes the replacement of approximately 11,000 linear feet of sidewalk and addition of 40 accessibility ramps in the McConaughy Avenue, Parkview Drive, Calvin Road and Meadow Lane neighborhoods in addition to sections of First and Second Avenues. The engineer's estimate for the sidewalk improvement project was $323,000 and is included in the 2011-12 Capital Improvements Fund budget.
Subsequent to the required public notice, bids were opened on March 24, 2011 with four contractors submitting bids. City Engineer, Sam Tesreau reviewed the bids and recommends the acceptance of the apparent low bidder, Bruns Construction, with a bid of $282,093.55. The City of Rochelle will purchase the detectable warning plates for use on the accessibility ramps and the contractor will provide curb replacement around the handicap ramp locations.
Recommendation: Accept the Bid from Bruns Construction in the Amount of $282,093.55.
Agenda Item #4 - Lakeview Sewer Lining Project
default Attached Memo from Ed Carr, RMU General Manager
default Attached Memo from Kathy Cooper, Superintendent of Water/Water Reclamation
default Attached Recommendation from Fehr-Graham & Associates, Including Bid Tabulations
Recommended Action:
Consider the Base Bid of $387,638.90 and Reduced Alternate Bid of $63,390.70 from Insituform for a Total of $451,029.60.
History and Fact:
In early 2010 the City applied for Community Development Assistance Program (CDAP) grant funds to upgrade the sanitary sewer system in the Lakeview Subdivision which has experienced excessive amounts of water infiltration and inflow into the lines. The City has since received a Notice of Grant Award and signed Grant Agreement for the project in an amount not to exceed $350,000. The proposed 2011-12 Capital Outlay Budget for the Water Reclamation Division includes $125,000, required as the City's match, and $350,000 which will be funded through the CDAP Grant.
The original scope of the project, as defined in the base bid, is to line approximately 8,000 feet of eight-inch sewer, 285 feet of twelve-inch sewer and to replace twelve sanitary manholes. Contractors were also asked to supply an alternate bid to clean and line twenty sewer laterals.
Subsequent to the required public notice, bids were opened on March 16, 2011 with three contractors submitting bids. Staff and our consultant, Terry Heitkamp of Fehr-Graham & Associates, have reviewed the bids and determined that Insituform is the low bidder for both the base and alternate bid with a combined total of $512,267.40. In order to maintain project costs within the budgeted amounts, staff recommends reducing the number of laterals in the alternate bid from twenty to eight which will decrease the overall project cost to $451,029.60.
Accept the Base Bid of $387,638.90 and Reduced Alternate Bid of $63,390.70 from Insituform for a Total of $451,029.60.
Agenda Item #5 - Kelley Drive Water Main Replacement Project
default Attached Memo from Ed Carr, RMU General Manager
default Attached Memo from Kathy Cooper, Superintendent of Water/Water Reclamation
default Attached Recommendation from Willett Hoffman & Associates
default Attached Bid Tabulation Sheet
default Attached Letter from Hart & Sons, LLC and References
Recommended Action:
Consider the bid from GO Excavating in the Amount of $164,235.
History and Fact:
The proposed 2011-12 RMU Capital Budget for the Water Division includes $265,000 to replace 1700 feet of water main on Kelley Drive. The existing cast iron water main in this area is pitted and has begun developing holes, resulting in eleven water main breaks since 2006.
Subsequent to the required public notice, bids were opened on March 31, 2011 with eleven contractors submitting bids. Staff and our consultant, Matt Hansen of Willett Hofmann & Associates, have reviewed the bids and determined that Hart & Sons is the apparent low bidder with a bid of $148,118.69. Neither the City of Rochelle nor Willett Hofmann have worked with Hart & Sons on this type of project and, although they have underground installation experience, they are not experienced in replacing existing municipal water main. Section 2-372 of the Rochelle Municipal Code states, "In all contracts inviting competitive bids, the city council reserves the right to accept the bid that it believes is in the best interest of the city." Due to Hart & Sons limited experience with utility water main construction and incomplete bid documents, staff recommends that the bid be awarded to GO Excavating in the amount of $164,235. GO Excavating recently completed the Southeast Quadrant sewer rehabilitation project in a successful and timely manner.
Accept the bid from GO Excavating in the Amount of $164,235.
Agenda Item #6 -Local Agency Agreement for Federal Participation Agreement–Jack Dame Road Overpass
default Attached Memo from Sam Tesreau, City Engineer
default Attached Local Agency Agreement for Federal Participation
Recommended Action:
Consider the Local Agency Agreement for Federal Participation for the Jack Dame Road Overpass Project
History and Fact:
Federal funds in the amount of $245,000 have been appropriated for the Jack Dame Road Overpass. On March 14, 2011 the Mayor and Council approved an agreement with Fehr-Graham & Associates for specific preliminary engineering services related to this project at a cost of $204,263.
The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) and Federal Highway Administration require the City to approve a Local Agency Agreement in order to establish the reimbursement process for the project. Approval of this agreement will allow IDOT to reimburse the City for eligible items once the appropriate supporting documentation is submitted and approved. The City will be responsible for payments until reimbursement is received from IDOT (typically 60-90 days) or for any ineligible items. In addition, the right of way acquisition and/or actual construction of the Jack Dame Road Overpass must begin within 10 years following the signing of this agreement or the City will be required to repay any federal funds received under this agreement.
Authorize the Mayor to Sign the Local Agency Agreement for Federal Participation for the Jack Dame Road Overpass Project
Agenda Item #7 - Economic Development Program Agreements and Resolution – Ritchie Road/Ritchie Court Improvements
default Attached Memo from Sam Tesreau, City Engineer
default Attached Preliminary Draft EDP/TARP State/Local Agreement
default Attached Local Agency/Company Agreement
default Attached Resolution Establishing a Class II Designated Truck Route
Recommended Action:
Consider State/Local Joint Agreement, Local Agency/Company Agreement
and Resolution Establishing a Class II Truck Route related to EDP Funding for Ritchie Road and Ritchie Court Improvements
History and Fact:
The City of Rochelle submitted an Economic Development Program (EDP) grant application to the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) last fall for funding to assist with roadway improvements for the Nippon Sharyo project locating at the ITC Industrial Park. As a result, the City received an award letter through the EDP program for assistance with funding up to $2 million for construction of roadway improvements and an additional $48,000 in Truck Access Route Program funding. Since that time, Nippon Sharyo has decided to locate their facility within the Prologis Industrial Park which changed the transportation and funding needs for the project. The City submitted a revised request for EDP funds on February 28, 2011 and has received an approval letter from IDOT for $866,480, which represents 50% of the total cost for roadway improvements, and an additional $60,000 in Truck Access Route Program funding.
City staff and representatives from IDOT District 2 have prepared a State/Local Joint Agreement which has been sent to Springfield for review and approval. This agreement will not be finalized until the City approves the agreement and related resolution defining the limits of the proposed 80,000 pound truck route to be established from the intersection of Steward Road and Ritchie Road and include Ritchie Court. The Local Agency/Company Agreement, another requirement of the EDP agreement, has been executed by Nippon Sharyo USA and Mayor Olson. Once the State/Local Joint Agreement has been approved by the State, the mechanism for releasing funds is secured. Per the development agreement previously approved, all expenses related to the roadway improvements that are over and above the available EDP funds will be the responsibility of the developer.
Approve State/Local Joint Agreement, Resolution Establishing a Class II Designated Truck Route and Local Agency/Company Agreement related to EDP Funding for Ritchie Road and Ritchie Court Improvements
Rescind the State/Local Joint Agreement, Truck Route Resolution and Local Agency/Company Agreement related to EDP Funding Approved 10/25/10
Agenda Item #8 - Ordinance Abating the Taxes Levied for 2010 – Taxable General Obligation Bonds
default Attached Memo from Chris Frye, Finance Manager
default Attached Ordinance Abating the Taxis Levied for 2010 - Taxable General Obligation Bonds
Recommended Action:
Consider Approving an Ordinance Abating the Taxes Levied for 2010 to Pay Debt Service on Taxable General Obligation Bonds
History and Fact:
On November 22, 2010 the Mayor and Council approved an ordinance providing for the issuance of general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $2,940,000 to finance offsite improvements related to the Lighthouse Pointe Subdivision and Route 38 corridor. The bonds were issued on December 14, 2010 for $2,940,000. Proceeds from the bond issuance are being used to finance improvements within the TIF District as outlined in the Pre-Development Agreement between the City and North Route 38 LLC.
The annual debt service related to these bonds will not be paid through property taxes. Instead, the debt service will be paid through TIF revenues, interest refunds from the Internal Revenue Service and other City funds. In order to abate the property taxes, the proposed ordinance must be approved and forwarded to Lee and Ogle County. In the future, the abatement ordinance will be presented annually in December with the Ordinance Levying Property Taxes for the City of Rochelle.
Approve an Ordinance Abating the Taxes Levied for 2010 to Pay Debt Service on Taxable General Obligation Bonds